Hello everyone, i started doing this a month ago and sadly got lazy with it, but ive started again and want some of you to try it and help me out.
Alright, my understanding of RCs is that if i do them often enough in reality, i will start to do them in dreams as a force of habit when somethin seems even remotly odd. Well this works great and help me remeber to do them often. All you need is a Pen.
Put your hands palm down in front of you so you understand where im talking about. I made a small but visible mark on the inside, about where the thumb meets the wrist. I continually fill it in whenever it starts to get light, but because i put it there for the sole purpose of reminding me to ask myself if im awake, every time i see it i do an RC…look for a clock, ask “How did i get here?” et cetera.
Well i’d greatly appreciate it if you’d give it a try for a week or so just to se if it helps you do RCs more often, or just you take on this method.
Thanx alot everyone.
Peace out, Turin