Great way to LD

If your strugiling with LD’ing or only have one a month, a good idea is to wake up lot earlier than you normaly would (for me this is like 9 am) and do some activity, like go for a hour long drive or walk, but basicly go about your aily business until you fully wake up.

You will most likely be tired and if you lie down on your sofa in a comfortable position with maybe the TV on, you’ll probably fall asleap. HOWEVER this is not the time to LD. When you wake up from your nap (maybe 1 hour later) go and get into bed (I normally do it with my clothes on) and fall asleap (this is VERY easy if you’re groggy and have just woken up). Try the MILD technique, trying to stay awake with your eyes closed. You may feel like falling etc, but concentrate on the ypnogogic images which will appear almost instantly and you should be able to initiate a LD atleast via DILD.

My experience of this involved falling into a hypnogogic state and then seeing myself fly down a tunnel similar to the Milenium Falcon travalling through hyper space in Star Wars Ep IV. I then went into a very wierd dream where I wasn’t sure if I was awake or dreaming and then realised I was dreaming (without a reality check) and went about my business for about 5 minutes.

If the LD starts to fall away, try shaking your head (in the dream very fast or spin around - it clears your thoughts and keeps you LD’ing). Give it a shot. This is very similar to the WBTB method.

Cool Find, I’ll make sure I give this a try post results later.:smile: