Group LD

This Saturday I’m preparing a group LD with my friends. We will use HILD technique. We are going to stay awake until 6-7 AM and then go to sleep for 4.5 hours, using HILD technique (try it two times, if not just sleep for 4.5 hours). After that we are going to wake up and do it once more. Since we can’t LD all in one room (because someone’s going to say something ‘funny’ and wake all up) we are going to do it all at their homes. Point of the group LD is staying awake, when one is sleepy, other will wake him up on skype or calling on cell phone. Another purpose of this is to see how many of us can achieve lucidity easily.

Now, I’m posting this here so that you guys can give us some tips what would make this technique even more effective? Maybe playing group games (I read on another thread that games induce LD, do only FPS do this or all, can runescape induce it?)

EDIT: And yes, everyone can join us at skype that night to give us tips (or to LD with us, but it’s going to be hard since we speak different languages, you must speak english)!

Moved from General Lucidness. :dragon:

It’s really best to avoid playing too mush or staying i front of screens before bed, as light tends to mess up sleep patterns a bit. Take an half hour off before bed, for yourself, and maybe go off a tangent form the discourses you were making with the others. A good thing to do is seeing yourself in a dream already, feel the excitement, the rush, and prepare yourself to do what you planned :content: and be relaxed and confident as you go to bed, that you will be lucid, and you will remember it. :wink:

Also, what GMT are we talking about? :tongue: Plus, if you want me to give some suggestions via skype, you can add me, tosxychor is my nick ^^

Thanks for the tips. GMT+1. I’m gonna add you somewhere around friday, since I’m getting my headphones and mic around there.

People talk constantly on the Internet about “shared dreams,” but it’s complete nonsense.

But if you’re saying that you’re all going to have a lucid dream, but not the same lucid dream, then I’m skeptical about that too.

Lucid dreaming just isn’t that easy to do, despite all the hype about how anyone can supposedly do it.

Hello skeptic. I’m atheist too.

I’m not saying that we are all going to LD. We are gonna try, and do this every weekend. We will success once.

How will you know if people are telling the truth? Anyone can say at any time that he’s had a lucid dream.

Because I trust my friends and they don’t have a reason to lie?
Man, I’ve been reading your posts, and I think you have a big problem. You have been telling many many pointless lies in your life, haven’t ya’? I know many people like you, not believing anybody, and the only reason not to believe somebody is because you lie to much. There are proofs of lucid dreams and there is no reason to say you had a lucid dream if you haven’t. People like you disgust me, I wish ld4all had a block or ignore option.

Oh, great job, you go and bash people’s hopes like that. But let me tell you.
I’ve seen people having several LD’s before even knowing what they were.
I’ve seen people becoming lucid in their dreams the night after they heard about that.
I’ve seen people boost their LD ability in unbelievably short spans of time.
I’ve seen people getting to LD at will after some months of practice, some much less.
I’ve had several LD’s myself.

So, there’s more than enough for me to believe in all that “LD is easy” stuff. And trusting others seems no more than simple common sense to me, my life would be pretty poor if I disbelieved people by default.
I’ve seen many experiments sail and sink, for a variety of reasons, and just because one you attempted isn’t going well does not seem enough proof to me to go and disbelieve anyone you meet, is it?

[mod]Mod edit.[/mod]

Proof on me, achieve full dream recall in 4 days, I say 2 weeks until my first LD, if not this Saturday.

Seriously, is there an option to block/ignore so I can’t see his posts anymore?

TheBeatDoctor, no need for that kind of hatred either. We’re all here to learn, and it’s all about helping others to understand. A person may behave in a certain way, but that doesn’t define hir, as (s)he can always change. :smile:
Doing good to others is always recommended, as it creates a healthy environment and helps people to understand and develop, not to mention that what goes around comes around :content:

He does no good, I think that LDing is all about believing, if you don’t believe you won’t try and if don’t try you won’t have any success. What he does is make people who discovered LDing lately not to believe. He is literally telling you and other people on ld4all that they are lying. He deserves hatred.

Naw. No one deserves hatred, trust me on this one. If people do something, it’s because it’s what they think it’s right. Showing hatred towards people does little regarding changing them; in fact, it often exacerbates their position.
A person only learns by understanding, so we must apply in order to make people near us understand. That’s the real way I know to truly make some change in people :smile:

You cannot make him think different or convince him of anything (I tried to explain what I think about this phenomenon in the FES thread), and I didn’t try to make him change, I tried to make him not to contact me anymore.

Whats ur skype? Add me: mynameishuse

Hatred? Wow.

Well, if you and all the people in your group have an LD at the very same time, that’ll be great. I doubt it’ll happen, but if it does, then my hat will be off to you and the others.

Off topic @ Arne: Just wondering. Did you ever seriously try to learn to LD for a couple weeks in a row, with RC’s and keeping a dream journal and stuff like that? If so, did you ever get a LD or none at all?

I could tell you how to increase your chances to have an LD. But if you don’t have a tendency to have them, it wouldn’t make any difference.

i have a fairly good amount of respect for atheists around here…and even i think(for now) that group LD(all in one LD) is a little weird thing and i have my apprehensions towards such conception; but being an imaginative person myself, i always appreciate an idea, no matter how unrealistic it may seem…

very well pointed out…
in past few months i’ve gathered a lot of tolerance towards such things…i belong to the category of people who’ve had there first LD on the very first night after learning about it…and a few friends of mine developed an excellent dream recall, after a single discussion about dreams over a dinner…weird things have happened with people around the globe…your atheism would fall short in front of their experiences…

PS-i still have friends who think that they dont dream during their sleep…:unk: :cry: :confused:
i dont blame them…its their ignorance… :wink:

oh and best of luck to you ‘The Beat Doctor’…
i am pretty sure that such endeavor would bear good results as its based on synergistic nature of coherent belief system…