i have resently been looking for sites dedicated to the scientific research of dreams. mainly the physical reasons for why they happen. and whial i found some very interesting articals and such on dreams in general like:
I can’t seem to find anything that covers lucid dreams in depth.
I’ve found some sites that focus on lucid dreams but nothing that give any attempt at a involved scientific reason. such as those given in the above link.
I am well aware that the idea of dreams in the scientific cumunity is a relativly new feild but if you have any sites that might be of interest please let me know.
I suppouse you know www.lucidity.com ?
yeah, but how is LaBerge seen by the world of science? Is he respected by psychologists?
I guess were the experiment, in the making I have to say, there isnt much websites like this one, that offers endless amount of information on lucid dreaming, and anything related to dreaming. People think its a waste of time, well im glad some people appreciate what’s going on in their head.
pav, LaBerge is a doctor, graduated from Harvard, still gives lectures at harvard… I’d say he is pretty well respected…
Yes LaBerge has status among the scientific community.
ALso LaBerge scientifically proved Lucid Dreaming and it is now accepted by the scientific community.