Guess what I just figured!

The subconscious mind is located on the right half of the brain, the creative part of the brain. So it would only be able to interpret sybomlic messages, not worded messages or verbal messages from the conscious mind (left logic side of the brain).

That’s not true. No single property of human mind is completely located in one single place (although e.g. linguistic faculties are located almost completely in the left half). All processes require the coordination of several different neural pathways. It is only a tendency that processes involving creativity occur mostly on the right side and those involving logic on the left. Also, if it were true that linguistic processes only occur on the left side (which they admittedly mostly do) and the “subconscious mind” were completely located on the right, what prevents information from crossing the hemispheres? The halves are connected.

PS. Another myth about the brain is that people use only 5% or so of their brain capacity. There is no part of the brain that wouldn’t be left unused during the course of a normal day in one’s life.

That’s because Einstein once said something in an interview: “Most people only use x% (x>10) of their brain capacity, …”

Ok he was a smart guy, but wrong on that one =\

The 10% of your brain thing was just an expression anyway. All it means it people don’t think as much or as hard as they should.

Wasnt Einsteins brain physicaly abnormal?

Perhaps, but I’ve heard a lot of times it being taken seriously along with all these theories that you could become a super human by tapping in to this unused potential. :smile: I’m not saying that our minds don’t have unrealised potential (most people have no idea they could have conscious dreams!) but that they are not hidden in some unused parts of our brain.

Nah, it was actually quite normal.
He actually wasn’t a very good student, and I think he also had Attention Deficit Dissorder if I’m not mistaken.

That just goes to show you how that saying actually applies :tongue:

It actually means (the 10% of the brain thing) that the conscious mind only accounts for ten percent of the numerous abilities the brain holds. The other ninety is hidden withing the subconscious and superconscious. That’s one way it can be interpreted anyway. (Read ‘Flying Without a Broom’)

If you include all facets of the mind, and all our body functions, we actually use all of our brains…and thats a good thing, I wouldn’t want to use any less :tongue:

Evolution would be quite inefficient if it would endow us with a brain that we can get by by using only 10% of it. :tongue:

Alternative to creationists: God would be quite stupid if He would have endowed us with a brain that we can get by by using only 10% of it. :tongue:

How exactly did you figure out that?

kavaa wrote:
Wasnt Einsteins brain physicaly abnormal?

Josh Redstone Wrote:
Nah, it was actually quite normal.

I think mostly it was normal, but a certain part of his brain (can remember the name) was more dense than usual…there were more neurons packed in that space. this basically allowed him to think harder/faster than usual.

How exactly did you figure out that?

Common knowledge + logic = my conclusion. It may be wrong, but more complex things must be at work for that to be the case…

As far as I know, the subconscious part is located in the inner areas of the brain, and the conscious part in the cortex, especially the prefrontal cortex. The right hemisphere is implied in spatial abilities, face recognition, visual imagery and music. But it doesn’t mean that you’re unconscious when you listen or play music… You’re confusing logic and consciousness.

The right angular gyrus is implied in understanding metaphorical language. So it understands verbal messages.

And about the 10% myth, it’s like saying that we just use 10% of our body muscles. Imagine somebody always shaking his limbs and doing faces. Pretty useless, isn’t it? :grin:

BTW, has this thread something to do with LD’ing? If it hasn’t, I think we have to move it in the Lucid Lounge forum…

You know, getting new information from old information isn’t that reliable, for instance: Aristoteles was convinced men had more teeth then women, he got to this conclusion due to deduction… he didn’t even think of counting his wife’s teeth :rofl:

Einsteins, as far as i am aware actually had aurtisium, or how ever u spell it. he was socally outcasted, but at the same time fantastic with math. people with this brain condition can be truly amazing at one thing, but lack any skill in another. from a few reports, people seem to have comcluded that this is what Einstein actually had… i dont know.

nice way to put it Basilus West, i agree too :smile: