has this happened to any of you also?
This LD was only my 4th (that at least I have memory of), and it was really long, with many different scenes and experiences and stuff.
I wanted to explore the dream world as much as possible, so tonight for the 1st time in a lucid dream, I flew (weehee), remembered the spinning technique, made my arm pass through walls, talked to dream characters about being in a dream, asked for someone to guide me in the dream, imagined doors to change the scene, made people disappear and asked myself to see the ppl i wanted to see there, etc.
all in just 1 dream! and still inside this dream, i began to feel very tired on my head, i guess cause it was a big effort to my mind to create all that stuff. at a time i woke up, then fell asleep again and soon was lucid and back to the same dream.
this was in the middle of the night, and a few hours later when i woke up (i sleept almost for 12 hours) i was still pretty tired, which sucked in a way…
just wanted to ask if it’s normal for any of you people to wake up like that after having a LD.
thanks, rita