Had my first wake to sleep induced LD! (and more!)

I know every so often I create a post about having a LD, but it feels like each story is worth telling. The first was about a funny false awakening I had. I actually do reality checks more often in my false awakenings than I do when I’m actually awake. This one was funny though. I just had a false awakening, and I woke up from that one. I woke up and went into a chat room I go to a lot. I was telling them how I had a lucid dream when I just happened to do a reality check just in case. And hello, I could breathe through my nose. I said to myself ‘Oh damnit, I’m dreaming again!’ it was quite funny.

Now to my first wake to sleep induced LD. This was the one thing I haven’t been able to do. I always had my LDs through false awakening, and I had 2 in a row before this happened. I woke up in the middle of sleep paralysis. I kinda wanted to move out of it, but I remembered that you can easily fall asleep into a LD. So I closed my eyes and went along with it. Immediatally I had strong HI and hypnosis sounds as well. It was almost scary, I felt like someone was walking right next to my ear on my bed, it was so real. Next thing I start seeing flashes of HI, they looked like the lights you see when you close your eyes, but it was a vivid image of a tiger. It kept flashing and I couldn’t believe how real it looked. As the image kept flashing on, I kept watching, slowly I was drawn away from my paralysed body and before I knew it, I slipped into a dream. I didn’t even need to pull myself into it, or perhaps I did I just can’t remember or realize it. It was easily amazing, having seen the stage in wake to sleep that I’ve never been to, it helps with attempting to do it manually from stage one. GL everyone in your LD and keep trying =].

Great experience there! Grats! Keep it up and you’ll have it more often :grin:

Very inspiring. You know, I actually love those FA’s. :content:

I’m actually going to attempt a WILD tonight… I was going to try one last night, but I started thinking about ghosts and didn’t want HH revolving around such gruesome things… Chickened out.

Glad to know some of you get inspired, that’s why I like to share =]

After having read that wake back to bed method is best for starting out, I DEFINETELY agree. Though I had a huge advantage that I was already in sleep paralysis. If you ever wake in sleep paralysis, take advantage of it. Entering a dream was the strangest thing ever, I can’t even explain what the experience was like, it was so quick. I’m seeing flashes one second, next I know I’m in a dream.

i couldnt agree more…its the best damn thing in RL that surely precedes an LD…

trust me, i know how scary it gets sometimes…once i tried this when i woke up in sleep paralysis, n i felt like getting surrounded by scary voices, just like in those horror movies…then one of the voice flew from below reached very close to my ears n shouted like “hulllloooo” :woo: in a very cute tone…somehow i dint wake up there itself…instead got pulled off by my leg…n through the door of my room(like in paranormal activity :eek: )…it was just sheer luck that i noticed that i’m being pulled through air that made me realize that it was a dream, n i let it happen for a while…n then i took control n swam to a different room…

at the very outset, this experience scared the hell out of me…but i guess now i can handle those ghosts n other paranormal activities… :cool:

Well done, everyone seems to be doing better at this wild then me. But I will carry on and try to keep u posted.

Had another wake to sleep induced LD. Once again I woke up in sleep paralysis. I actually woke up in sleep paralysis twice in the same morning. I think one of them I shook myself out of cuz I was quite creeped out by something. The next I was just laying on my back, closed my eyes and let myself go into a dream. Next thing I did was move my dream body, as I got more and more into sleep I was able to get up, wake up and move around. Usually my room was always in fragements of memories and I could never completely move. This time I shouted ‘increase lucidity!’ and everything turned complete. I’ve NEVER had such a real Lucid dream, and it definetely was the best one so far.