Its been 2 years that i have been interested in lucid dreaming and did not practice any methods until a few months ago(about 6 month).In a period of 1 month i practised every techniques that you can imagine and came with the result of 4 lucid dreams at the end of the month.I then stoped practising the art of lucid dreaming for about 5 month and mooved to another county.About 2 weeks ago i began to read some more stuff on lucid dreaming but did not practise anything.In the same 2 weeks i have had lucid dreams that have changed my life.I will explain 2 of them.The first one happened a week.I sudenly found my self fully lucid starinf at my shooes, i rose my arms and and floated soflty upwards looking at the most beautiful sky that i have ever seen.I have this feeling of joy that i cannot explain.The second one happened yesterday.I was in a dream talcking to a freind of mine and for some reason became fully lucid(high lucidity) I flooted towads the sky superman style and entered deep space.I had a feeling that i was in peace with my self.Later on i decided to visit hogwards from the harry potter books and had no succes until i put my hands on my eyes and when opened there it was a huge beatuiful castle just like in the movie, i could really feel that i was there.The dream ended when i looked in the mirror and found not my normal self but harry himself. These high lucid dreams change my life.I hope that this site and others can bring awarness of the wonderful world of lucid dreams to manking.
Congrats Xcommander45 - LDs are wonderful aren’t they I have often found them better than reality…or at least they seem so much more vivid and alive.
Congratts! I have similiar thing, i tried almost every method but only after stoping to try, and got some LD’s, but none of them was high
Keep up the good work!
Very very cool. And just think, this is only the beginning…