I was about asleep. When i was falling asleep first at night. Next thing i know I’m kinda dreaming all of a sudden i’m riding this razor scooter and i trip and fall forward on my face. Before i hit the ground, i wake up. I was so scared for 5 seconds then started laughing.
Hypnagogic Hallucinations, the phase before actual dreams. But don’t worry, it happens every time before you dream, under various forms. Plus you’ll need to get accustomed to it if you want to WILD consistently
Yeah, it’s different for everyone. Both SP and HI are optional, and some manage to just wake up lucid in their dreams. So you shouldn’t worry about the process, just enjoy whatever comes ^^
which reminds me, on the xkcd forums, there is a thread for worst dreams ever. Someone woke up after being turned to stone in their dream. they then had SP.