Sorry I couldn’t come up with a better title, but this is really hard to describe. Last night, I was able to become lucid (a rare even for me), but when ever I moved my real body moved to. What I saw was completely dreamland, but I could walk around and feel stuff that I knew was in my room that I couldn’t see. Anyone know what happened?
I dont believe I have ever experienced that. I have been tricked into thinking I was in my real body in my real room. Where everything looked the same as it should, no dream signs to be seen. Even then the lingering feeling that I was asleep following my movements. Doing reality checks to see if I was or not, ‘proved’ to me that I was not sleeping even though it felt like it was. And then at that moment I woke up in my bed. I dont know if what you are talking about is similiar or not, but maybe someone elses experience could help you decifer your own?
So wait… your senses like touch were in the real world but what you saw was dreamland? @.@
Sounds like sleepwalking to me - with a lucid dream. That’s kind of weird, you should’ve woken up, I think… huh.
But like Kit said, occasionally during a LD your mind will trick you into thinking you’re awake and feeling things, including touch and movements, as if you were awake.
But usually, you also see everything as if you were awake, and you didn’t, right?
Honestly, I have never heard of it. XD An important clue for us would be: when, how and where did you wake up?? Were you in bed? Do you remember walking back to bed?
That was propably, but propably, olny a dream feeling, that didnt caused anything in reality. Of course, there is a posibility that it was a general failture of SP, but those ones happens rarely, and most of people never experienced it. If you did had troubles with sleepwalking in past, that could be it. But % of people with that is so small, that you propably did not was sleepwalking. You also seemed to strongly belive that you got up in reality, which made that feeling olny stronger…
I dont say you wasnt sleepwalking. Im just saying that you propably had dream feeling like that.
From what I can remember, I woke up standing next to my bed and then pretty much just fell down on my bed and went back to sleep.
The only thing close to sleep walking I’ve ever had was once I was awake, but using dream logic. You know, the kind of logic where nothing really makes sense. It ended up with me taking a piss in the shower without the water being on, pretty confusing.