Ok, I have had several low level LDs and it’s really no big deal anymore that I realize I’m dreaming now but controlling the dream is a difficulty for me. I frequently lose control of myself inside dreams. Any help with that would be appreciated, but that’s not really not what I wanted to tell you.
The other day (and a few other times) right before I woke up I was dreaming. But dreaming in that half asleep/half awake type sleep. I was dreaming and could see everything around me like I would have my eyes open and lying down. It was like I was dreaming about things that were happening at that moment. Now I was lying down on my couch wraped up in a blanket with my dog lying on part of the blanket in a way where I was moderately stuck. This is both in real life and in the dream. Now at this point for some reason, i realize i’m dreaming and I don’t have to be stuck here. As I sit up, I feel like something is holding me back, I cant stand all the way up. Not really the blanket because that doesn’t matter, I’m dreaming, I just feel really constricted in my movements. I just can’t get up. All the while I can here the tv going and my sisters talking in real life while I’m asleep. I struggle and wake up fully. In a split second I feel myself going from half-way standing to lying down in the same position I was in. So I know I was dreaming and I do know that I indeed went lucid but could it have been a sort of OOBE?