Halloween Costumes!

What, may I ask, is a truit?!? I’m guessing it’s just some galatic animal of some sort, but I could be wrong… :eh:

its a trout :truit:
i dont know the story coz it was before i joined but it was something about screwing round with words and that came up and stuck in everyones head…like the martini joke…daydreams of martini’s…OMG SOMEONE GIMME A MARTINI QUICK martinimartinimartiniiiiii
SRG’s martini song: *btw yes moogle im at school again :tongue:
martini martini martiniiiiii
give me one now
martini martini martinIIIIIIII
i dont care how…
and thats all i got so far :eh: :tongue:

I think all is fully explained in the playground topics… but once you enter playground forum … Wolf and Magnus capture you and you have to post there forever :tongue:



So youre implying that Im not gonna catch her, eh? EH?!


I am the queer of the playground, you know!

Here’s the story of the truit for ya:


Oh, and the Martini joke is from one of my older dreams… I’m too lazy to go find it. :razz: Anybody wanna volunteer to go get it? :grin:

who said martini?

here’s the martinidream;
forum.ld4all.com/viewtopic.p … &start=120

it was in part II
I was suprised that the dream was so old :eek: now :tongue:

Whoa–I’m hella late…I was Hwoarang–from Tekken. I kinda look like him so it was a good choice…for tha 3rd time… :roll:

Th is old but i had though of going as a louisiana refugee lol.