Halloween Costumes

you will never guess what im going to be!!! scarface, believe it or not ive never been scarface for halloween. cant wait!

I changed my costume idea. I am going as… well, you decide what to call it,


Codename: Silver Thing

It is funny. Intentionally crappy.

That is gonna need A LOT of ink. :tongue:

And download: topic needs photos (of that costume) badly. ^^

I don’t have any plans for Halloween.

How about dressing up as an oneironaut? :wink: See how many people get that one… nice way to strike up a conversation about lucid dreaming. :tongue:

Huh? How are you gonna dress then? That really leaves me wondering :uh:
Maybe some extra limbs to boot :tongue:

Well, I was thinking something along the lines of pajamas and an astronaut-like helmet… :grin:

Heh, not bad, not bad at all :tongue: silly me, i thought you would go around throwing fireballs :rofl:

Beat you to it, rubiks_cube_man. I made my sister a rubik’s cube costume a few years ago. It was pretty awesome.

I still havent made one. Did you make it out of a box, or was it just a piece of colored cardboard?

It was a moving box. I cut out the bottom, glued squares of colored paper to it, and put black electrical tape along the edges and between the squares.

If you’re making an unsolved cube, be sure to reference an actual rubik’s cube, otherwise you might accidentally make it in an unsolvable position. (Not that anyone would notice, but still…)

I was Yuna from final fantasy X last year but that costume was almost as much as a fail as my Zelda costume. This year i dressed up as a Kender from the dragon lance series but it didn’t even look like i had a costume just a giant slingshot and a really high pony tail. :neutral:

Hello everybody!
I know I’m late on this one, but i still felt like replying. :smile:

I was Alice in Wonderland this past Halloween.