When I try to do a WILD, after the number 70 "I dream, I feel that it affects me eyes is not pleasant at all because it affects more and stronger, I’m forced to jump,
You would have a solution ??
Moved from General Lucidness.
well if i understand what you mean (and i’m not sure about that) you don’t like the feeling of HH wich is a part you eventually have to get past in WILD so maybe WILD is just not the right thing for you.
I’ve had sudden, impulsive jumps happen to me before too. When that happens, I just switch to MILD and try WILD again the next night.
EDIT: Yours seems to be just dislike of the feeling of sleep paralysis. No advice on that except to fight through it!
no matter what the feeling or hearing or visualizing in WILD, you just gotta keep through the whole thing get past it best you can, all i can say