Happy New Year 2004!

Happy New Year to you all!

:beer: :sleep: :partying_face:

:smile: Happy New Year :smile:

I’m 3 hours early for me. But happy New Year!
I’ll be busy drinking when it arrives! :tongue:

edit I have just noticed that you are a new member. Welcome to the forum void.

Happy New Year!!! :mrgreen_hat: :mrgreen_hat: :mrgreen_hat: :clap: :clap: :partying_face: :beer: :beer: :partying_face: :partying_face: <|:D :gni:

I actually have some hours myself, but im better off saying it now, b/c i dont think i’ll be awake for the first day of next year :grin: .

Any resolutions? or is that a little tacky?


Have fun partying. I will be away all night partying at my Aunt’s house. How exciting! :biggrin: I have the best simple goal ever! :wink:

P.S. Welcome to LD4all forum Void! :smile:

Happy new year

Happy New Year All!!! (:> :beer: :beer: :mrgreen_hat: :partying_face: