Well for a month or so I’ve enhanced my dream recall to a great level, and have reached the stage of awarely falling asleep. I clear my mind of thoughts and then I feel myself going into the dream world. But then I immidately loose all connection with my dreams and I wake up and just recall my dreams.
Now, I’m working on RC’s, but they don’t seem to be working. Also sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I got back to sleep when I’m rubbing my hands together and saying that ‘When I fall asleep I will become lucid’ but it never works. Also sometimes the most rediculous things happen in my dreams and inside the dream I’m like ‘what’s going on’ but never become lucid… which really pisses me off in the morning so how can I improve my dream realization?
I have glared at Saturn spinning around its moon two metres from my face in the sky, given freedom to nations and won fears, even controlled where I would swing my web as Spiderman, but I want to learn to take the next step and control them at a higher level.