Hardcore gamers only

Hi everyone , Is there any hardcore gamers here , If you are, then tell us what game did you spend most hours playing it and why do you like it so much

I’ve played the Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion for twelve hours straight before. I just have a thing for open world sandbox games and my mom was out running A LOT of errands and my dad was sleeping. What else does a kid do on summer break when they’re bored?

I’ve played Fallout 3 for days straight, sleeping of course. Probably up to 8 hrs a day for about 4 or 5 days in a row. Could’ve gone longer too, its such an enveloping game, but after while you just start feeling sorry for yourself lol

<- solved Bioshock 2 on normal and explored entire city plus rescuing every Little Sister on 14 straight hours :razz: though that was a while ago

Edit: I forgot to mention I disabled the option with vita-chamber during my play :tongue:

Ha, you call that hardcore? :puh: Try your hand at winning various classic roguelikes, like Nethack, ADOM, or ToME. Death is permanent, and everything is out to kill you. I’ve gotten an ultimate win on ADOM, (became an avatar of order) and an ultimate win on ToME 2.3.8 (beat Morgoth to get a normal win, then journeyed through the void to destroy his soul. It took months of dedicated playing to finally achieve that one, and literally hundreds of characters to do it. :nuu:)

Then there’s Dwarf Fortress, but that doesn’t actually have a win condition, only a very long list of losing conditions. Its difficulty can best be described by this graph:

Despite the rudimentary or nonexistent graphics of roguelikes, their difficulty, and their steep learning curve, I love them for their intricate and deep gameplay, heavy strategic elements, and high replayability. I like a lot of other game genres too, but roguelikes would definitely place first in the list of ‘most hardcore’ games I’ve ever played.

hey I tried that ominous dwarf fortress today. Seems cool ^^ Thanks for the suggestion

Dwarf Fortress, very good timewaster. The great thing is, if you’re not into the ascii graphics, then there are a plethora of graphics mods. Yes, very, very interesting game :smile:

Although a lot of my gaming hours have gone into Fallout 1 and 2 (more into 2), never liked 3 that much. Also Borderlands is very fun with friends, that is, until you have completed it 6 times like me.
And… Mass Effect 1 and 2 are very enjoyable experiences, especially when playing with high difficulty and with a new character.

Although not hardcore, I loved Bastion that came on windows a while back, love the narrator’s superb voice acting.

Being a “Hardcore” gamer isn’t about how long you’ve played a game in one sitting That’s like some little kid sitting down and playing any Call of Duty game for 9 hours and then saying he is a hardcore gamer.
It’s more about how open you are to different games and enjoying a game because it’s good not because everyone else says it’s good and also enjoying cripplingly hard games like Dwarf Fortress, Demon Souls, pretty much any arcade shooters (Not the gun games, the ship ones like Mushihimesama seriously go on youtube and type Mushihimesama final boss) ect.

…umm i think the longest I’ve ever played a game is probably Phantasty Star Online episode 1&2 and Super Street Fighter 4 (I’m not sure how long I’ve played them in one sitting but it doesn’t really matter anyway)

I am SOOO a hardcore gamer. Ever since the PS2, I have a near list of 82 games for the system that I may never sell because I get stingy from that. (Gamestop’s crappy deals don’t help either) I have both a 360 and a ps3. I prefer the 360 for the games that come out for many systems, but I mostly prefer the ps3 for the exclusives. I don’t like Killzone- who likes 1 second lag when they move or shoot, I liked COD, now switching to the better experience that will be Battlefield 3. I have played many, many, many different types of games. From 2d platformers like Sonic The Hedgehog to shooters and racers. I even got LBP to see new forms of games. You will see me spend my time on inFAMOUS 2 making awesome missions. That system is like LittleBigPlanet, but it has more… 3d freedom.
[TheDragonmind] Gamertag and PsnID.

“Ever since the ps2”
When were you born 2001?

Dota all the way :happy:

1994 and don’t forget the little detail under my pic. Just because there are much newer games, doesn’t mean they’re not hardcore. House of the Dead for example. I had availability to the N64- Mario Kart 64- Banjo-Kazooie, The Nes- Duck Hunt, Atari- Frogger, so no I wasn’t born in 2001 dude. I wouldn’t be 17, I wouldn’t know about the great hits of oldschool gaming. So back off if you think i’m one of those tormented 10 year olds playing COD!
I also just packed in the information… Let me back this all up.

I respect your opinion of my ways, we may play different genre’s, we may not like each other, “But there is only one king we all serve and his name is GAMING!” ~Kevin Butler

(Keynote: This is not King of the Hill, so respect others)

I’m not sure, nor particularly interested, in the definition of what a hardcore gamer is or is not. What I do know is that I consider myself a gamer.
I love Demon’s Souls and am currently addicted to it, it has entirely displaced LBP1 and 2 and Uncharted 2, as well as Assassin’s creed 2 and inFamous1 along with MGS4. In Demon’s Souls, I’m currently in NG and Maneater is the only thing that makes me rage, the rest is still hard but not seemingly impossible without co-op (or using spells, something useless considering my SL136 toon has 10 mag). There are also many assorted demos in the console and a few downloadable games.
I don’t love first person shooter games, and ever since Call of Duty came out, I even began despising them. Fighter games are for me like a one trick pony, let’s just watch all the possible attacks and move on nothing else to see here, as I still consider them button mash fests and that sounds not fun in the same way as a casino. Yet I’m not sure if Smash Bros is considerered a fighter or not, but I absolutely love it (button mashing noobs go straight out of the stage on their own).
I’ve been really pissed off at battle toads, even with save states, and Ninja Gaiden (NES), while not rage inducing, is insanely hard. I can make it to the world 6 boss without save states in less than an hour, but so far am unable to last longer than 15 seconds there. I also have played punch-out! but my skill is not enough to make it very far into it, so instead of that I completed Monster Party, while trying to understand how to play and not die in Bionic Commando, and also played some of the nonsensical Yo-Noid!
Then we have Sudoku, which is an excellent time killer while in public transportation, waiting in offices or just taking a dump in the bathroom. I seem to suffer a sever addiction to a game called battleship solitaire, but can also waste endless hours in this little game where you slide numbers from 1 to 8 (nine being an empty space) or 1 to 15 (16 empty space) tough I got a little exe file of the game that can have any custom setting (anything greater than 200x200 makes it crash tough). Talking about that little exe file, I got it from the package Simon Tathan’s portable games, I love most games in that thing(the ones I can understand) and can lose countless hours in that puny folder with 27 little time killing bastards.
I can’t leave out Super Mario All Stars, my first game when I was a mere 5 years old, I never finished any of those Marios, but darn I enjoyed them. Sad thing is this package didn’t include what to this date I still consider the best game to have ever hit the SNES, Super Mario World, followed by yoshi’s island, both games I finished successfully. There was also Super Mario RPG, where I never got past the initial area. A rather unusual game I loved for this plattaform was Plok, with an unusual gameplay for me. Doom was the best thriller of the time, and forever I will remember that I had 14 cassettes for that system (sadly, I never vowed to remember WHICH were those games).
As for the PS1, there are 3 games that will forever remain in my heart: Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Silent Hill and Crash Bandicoot. MDK was also a fantastic, nonsensical game, but since the disc died mysteriously rather quickly, it never left a deep impression as the others, But certainly it will as well remain in my heart. There was also some epic game about a yellow foul mouthed tiny robot tank I really loved, but since it wasn’t mine, I never played it too much.
In that groundbreaking (and thumb-breaking) console known as N64, my first game was Super Mario 64, an incredible classic with a charm no other game has replicated to date. I also owned Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie, Diddy Kong racing, some sort of collection of arcade classics I loved called Mydway’s greatest arcade hits, Legend Of Zelda: Orcarina of Time, one of the few games whose sheer beauty and awesomness can make me cry, Smash Bros 64, as mentioned above, in which I could go at 16 hours straight marathon with only my brother, often playing 99 stock without time. I loved Super Mario RPG 64, but the part where I can control Princess Toadstool I mistook as the game freezing in a cutsene, so I never finished it. I fell in love with Castlevania as well (the one with the epic whip guy and the useless onion ring magic user girl). I got my hands on goldeneye only once and it was jawdropping for me. I’ve had some of Conker’s bad fur day, but as many guts as I may have, there’s this ridiculously hard, tense and tediously scary part I refuse to lose again or I’ll lose my nerves and run outside naked screaming or something (not because of difficulty, but of how scary and creepy it is). I once rented perfect dark but I didn’t see what was great about it, so I instead grew fond of Turok 3: shadow of oblivion, a game with hideous graphics but rather interesting enemies.

Wow, I’ve basically made a whole mental (and amazingly nostalgical) trip through most of my life, but I’ll stop here, as I don’t wan to bore other people with an impending doomy-wall of text and I’m tired, must not go to bed late.

B-B-But the thing is, I hadn’t finished yet… I left out ps2, gamecube and the pc, along with some other games not found in consoles as well as table and card games…

…I came in costume to my last tabletop RPG meeting. We were playing Weapon of the Gods, a kung-fu-in-ancient-China themed RPG which our game master describes as beautifully designed but badly explained.

World of Darkness gets a lot of flack for having an urban setting with vampires and werewolves, I guess it’s too Goth Lite Young Adult Literature, but it’s my personal favorite for how intuitive the system is.

I cut my teeth on Dungeons and Dragons, of course. 3rd edition, just never got around to playing the newer ones.

I play (almost) only URBAN TERROR
the BEST quake3 mod since quake3 ^^
Its fun, a little realistic, but since the motto is “fun over realism” and you can do circle- and walljumps and so on… It really has nothing (except for the speed) to do with Quake anymore… ah, the LINK if someone wanna join :happy:

Lol and I thought I´m the only one playing UrT, you can PM me if you want :cool:
But mostly I play “Grand Strategy”, like Europa Universalis or Hearts of Iron. It´s just I like challenging but still chilly games, and those are my favourites. Besides, almost no one else plays them because they are “too hard” and the graphics are, umm, plain… But if you don´t mind investing a bit of time to learn the basics of the game, they can prove really fun!

Rome: Total War, Empire: Total War, Napoleon: Total War and Shogun 2: Total War. Most bad ass games ever!

Also try R.U.S.E - The art of Deception and the Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas.