Just wondering. Because in my dreamscape I can. It’s fun having a conversation with your self without feeling mental. Plus my clone is the ultimate sparring partener Just curious
I haven’t. What is proccess do you take to accomlish this? Normal-dream manipulation techniques? Or do you imagine yourself splitting?
I once read an account of someone who, in an LD, split himself into 2. The second person was a female, and he made love to this ‘clone’.
Technically he was having sex with himself.
Just reporting what i read on dog.net.uk/ claude/dreams.html.
There is really nothing that you could comment on about that that is positive
Hey you know you’re right kmcdonald . And as for you ceavou, I use what I think to be scientifically sound in the process of cloning, not just willing as you would the ability to fly. I just…well it’s hard to explain but…I can feel every cell in my body coming alive. I then mulitply my braincells… until I form an entirely new brain. I then program my new brain to finish the organism(human) the brain then produces everything neccessary to sustain life on its own. All the organs and what not. The clone also has my memories and personality. Hope this helps.
Seems interesting. I’d like to have the illusion of observing myself from the perspective of another. Wouldn’t necessairily have to be a clone though. Maybe I could swap bodies with someone else.
Anyway, my point was going to be to ceavou.
Are you sure this person didn’t split himself into in terms of his consiousness rather than just cloning himself? It’s easy to imagine cloning oneself, from a waking perspective anyway. Having a clone who was the same age as you would be pretty much the same as having a twin. If someone wanted to have sex in the uh, standard, way in their dream why would they bother creating a clone of themselves only to have that clone appear not as themselves, but as a woman they actually wanted to have sex with?
In a dream the clone is only a clone in that it would look, sound and act like you. If it’s appearance or behaviour changed it wouldn’t be a clone. So this person didn’t have sex with himself. He had sex with a woman who appeared to, what, split off from himslef? Why does it matter what stuff in dreams used to be?
Experiencing something from two perspectives at once is something else entirely. Someone who could do this really could have sex, fight, converse or whatever with themselves. It’s something I’m not able to imagine but I’ve read that it can be done in a lucid dream at https://dog.net.uk/claude/dreams.html
That would merit some positive comment. I’m very curious as to whether each “person” would know what the other was thinking. Would it just be dual sensations, or dual personality? Either way would be cool.
Hmmmm. When I clone myself it is not dual sensations because I am only one person. Actually after a good time of chatting with it I wonder if I’M the clone.
bowelfish, agree with what your saying. This exactly where i heard it from, this link dog.net.uk/claude/dreams.html
Was just trying to add something quick to the thread.