Has any1 felt pain/pressure in their head during the dreams?

I wanted to knw, if any1 has ever felt pain or pressure in their head during the dreams.? If yes, please explain your dream…

I have before, but i dont remember it. All i remember is a lot of shaking and stuff… and a strange pressure in my hands aswell.

I’ve felt this before back when I didn’t know about the techniques. Especially when the lucid dream became long. The pressure became stronger the more I tried to maintain the dream. It had a very thick feeling in the atmosphere too.

Why, exactly? Can you explain what is happening in your dream?

I don’t know. I guess I was trying to hard to maintain the dream. I was always close to waking up but I loved LD’s so much so I’d keep them going. It also MIGHT be because of stress too. I used to be a very depressed person.

I’ve also felt pressure when falling down once. It was in my longest LD. I saw a huge football field, flew over it really high, and did a free fall. My goal was to maintain the dream during a fall. It was difficult because you usually wake up when you’re falling.

But in both cases, I was just making my dream longer.

I have felt pressure/pain before in my head during a dream, now that I think about it. The best way I could describe the feeling is this: if you were a cricket inside a large air-tight plastic bag that was full of air beside yourself and someone outside were to squeeze it so that the atmospheric pressure increased tenfold.

I think maybe it’s related to apnea or something because I usually wake from such a dream with a terrible headache; maybe that’s caused by oxygen starvation or something.


I have felt pressure before i dream. Pressure that is almost like sinus congestion, it just feels really wierd. It goes away when i pass out. It has also caused dizzyness like the room spins or similar events.

I have head pains while awake… as if I need that kind of trouble in my dreams, too.

These kind of dreams have happened to me in state of stress and depression. But the pressure felt in dreams is so weird and horribble that it seems that u cant move and breath for 2-3 seconds and sumthing will happen to ur head. Once i saw a falling dream, where like i knew i was falling, and the pressure came on my face, but the pain was felt in the head.So when it happened to me twice, i thought may be i have something in my head … did any 1 of u developed the feeling as such or got scared enuff to have a feeling as such.

I also consulted a friend of mind who happens to be a pshychiatrist and he informed these r nite terrors. So not to worry.

SInce then, i stopped to worry about and its been 3 years i just had 1 of them. Any body would like to share their feelings ? Do let me know if they are normal ?