There is a HUGE difference between low and high lucidity. In fact, in my experience the difference between PRElucidity and low lucidity is much smaller! Low lucidity: you know that you’re dreaming but you are still caught by the dreamworld. You don’t do whatever you want to do, dreamworldl has still a lot of power over your actions.
High lucidity: you know that you’re dreaming and more, YOU KNOW THE IMPLICATION, complete freedom. Many people say there is also a big difference in vividness (colors etc) but that is not always true. Sometimes I am totally conscious in a black void, sometimes I have low lucid dreams in extremely vivid nightmares. It’s the consciousness which gives the kick of freedom, not the environment. In my case, going for high level lucidity means going for total awareness.
There’s also something called Absolute Lucidity, and that is when you know that you are dreaming from the moment you fall asleep and have full control.
For low lucidty, you only know that you are dreaming. But you can’t do much, just a sence of knowing…
For high lucidty, you not only know that you are dreaming, you can control your dream and know exactly what you are doing. Once I had a high lucidty LD, I not only know what I am doing, I can even remember what I have planed to do in LD before sleep and decide what to do first.
Before I even knew about then, I’d have these dreams where I would think things and they’d happen. So I controlled them. There was a weird one once where I was on a bus in a dream and suddenly thought, hey, this is a dream, and I went up and kissed some girl (I’m not even bi or lesbian, that’s why it stuck in my mind) and I woke up from the shock of knowing I could do whatever I wanted.
So yeh, I spose it happens. Hope that’s what you meant.
I sometimes have dreams which seem to fit into neither category.
I have a dream and somewhere in that dream, I start to take control over my destiny in the dream. There is not the high awareness or beauty associated with lucid dreams, but I know that I am deciding what happens (almost as if I can ‘hear myself think’ within the dream). I am nowhere near in full control and I don’t actually recognise that I am dreaming.
Has anyone else experienced something similar, or know what this dreamstate is?
Yes I think this is close to “Unaware Lucid Dreaming” (ULD) -others call it “daydreaming asleep” - in which you have the BEHAVIOUR of a lucid dreamer (control, doing what you want to do) but not the AWARENESS (you don’t know it’s a dream).
Well yes, in my experience when I have false awakenings, prelucid dreams, ULD’s etc, real lucidity is never far away. These days I have zillions of prelucid dreams again so maybe I should stop being lazy and put some REAL effort in my nightly hobby . WBTB-method, self-hypnosis, punishment induced lucid dreaming , those are the methods I will use now to make the Big Leap Forward.
So I might be nearly there then…getting close to my first intentional ld. I am halfway through ‘Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming’ and practicing some of the exercises.
In my opinion there are many factors that are different in every ‘LD’ and this makes it hard to determine whether a dream was an LD, a semi-LD a quasi-LD, a preLD, a ULD, a psuedo-LD, etc etc etc…
The factors I can think of now are:
-Consciousness (ie “How aware are you that this is a dream?”)
-Rememberance of Wakeing Life (ie “Did you Remember to do what you planned?”)
-Control (ie: “Could you turn yourself into a rainbow and fly through the moon?”)
All the 'LD’s I’ve had have had different amounts of all of these factors. And it’s hard to say which is more important. (There’s no use in having good control if you don’t do the things you wanted, etc…)
It’s easier to give your LD’s a percentage score instead of trying to label them SemiLucid/Lucid/Whatever.
Looks like I have been lding more frequently than I thought . I didn’t really class the low-level ones as being lucid, but looking at your description has cleared things a bit in my mind.