has anyone seen the film "click" ??

I just watched it and thought it was cool and have a universal remote in your dream or lucid dream would be an easy way to control.
has anyone else thought of this?
what did you think of the film?

my real names Sam too

click ruled! :^^: i got it on pirate from a holiday to cyprus and i laughed for hours straight.

best quote of the filme: *where he’s in the hospital bed flapping his fat flap while talking to the woman.

woman: well…i seems that after 3 years the…WOULDYA STOP FLAPPING THAT THING!?

guy(i forgot his name):its my flap i’ll do what i WANT WITH IT!
has a flap flapping frenzy

woman: areyadone?

it would be cool to do it in an ld but i hardly ever have them…and when i do im sorta…lucid but…not lucid :uh: read my first dj you’ll get what i mean

I am down…uh, I am in the process of obtaining this film now. Never thought about using a remote in my dream, but surely not a bad idea. Gonna try it if calling out for tech support doesn’t work!

I thought that movie was great, especially kate beckinsale :cloud9:


Anyway, i think that is a great idea to use in a lucid dream. I’ll try it!

Haha that movie was great :tongue:

The idea of using it in a dream is pretty cool- kinda like the lucid pill I guess.

I’ve been wanting to seen this movie, but I havn’t related it to lucid dreaming until now. I think I’ll watch it tonight :smile: thanks

i dont really relate it to lucid dreaming coz with the remote you can only do so much (pause, ff, colour ect.

wether if i ld i’d usually want more ilike flying and summoning up cool adventures/scary demons/hot chicks :razz:

edit: actually im thinking of going to see it again at the cinema with ehem someone from college :peek:

click totally makes you feel better about life

I liked the film :smile: Saw it in the movies with some of my friends, and my tears just kept falling and falling :tongue:
I never thought about using the remote control in a dream, but it might work.

I’ve seen the film, it’s really cool… makes you think… :hmmm:
But I don’t think the remote will really help in a LD, how can it :help: you fly or something?! :tongue:

Now, I’m sure I’m not imagining this, but I definitely remember there being a book about this same basic idea, but the story went in a very different direction with it. I read it back in third or fourth grade, and I almost feel like the title might even have been Click too, but I’m having real trouble remembering it. I remember that it was a weird book and it involved the problem of the rewind button in that once you rewinded it, you couldn’t change what you did so you would end up replaying the same part of your life over and over with no control. Am I the only one who read this? It’s been driving me crazy that I can’t remember ever since I first saw the previews.

Oh, the movie was good though. :content:

I’ve seen the movie in the sneak a few weeks ago ( A ‘sneak’ or ‘sneak preview’ is a certain night, Tuesday where I live, where you pay a minimal entry fee to see a premiere of a movie. It could be the next blockbuster. Then again, it could be the graduation project from a movie accademy student in Colombia :tongue:)

I must say I liked it, though the second part (after the break, or halfway past in the movie) really saved it. Because I found the first part really flat and simply un interesting. But when a movie makes me cry (like it did in the last few minutes, when Sandler lies on the ground in the rain. I’m not spoiling anything, but damn what a moment.) it is worth seeing :razz:

So yeah, I can tell anyone with a few spare bucks to go and see it.

'Ever ‘n Ever Babe?’ :wink: