I wouldnt trust it, it probably has some catch to it. you should stick to the techniques offered here. They are free
I didnt buy the thing but I bet I know what its like…
he says the kit includes…
How to enjoy your first lucid dream, by following the seven day course plan - I dont think everyone is going to get a lucid dream with his, seven day course plan… in the first seven days.
The FOUR secret methods for going “lucid” whenever you want - that doesnt means it works whenever you want
The exact times you dream every night - and why only THREE of these times are important - I’m sure you could learn about your REM periods on tyhe internet somewhere
The ultimate lucid dreaming tool - and you probably already have it! - no idea what he’s talking about
How to almost GUARANTEE lucid dreams, thanks to ONE little-known herb - I bet he’s talking about mugwarts
Exactly why you SHOULDN’T drink Calea Zacatechichi tea!- do you really need to know?
The 90-minute technique that increases your chances of a lucid dream by 2000% - he might be talking about “rythm napping”
The amazing Logical Feedback technique: enter your lucid dream consciously, without any preparation
- sounds like a wild to me
Your six unique reality checking points - and why they’re critical to your success - does it matter when you do them?
The secret techniques for controlling your dreams, including HOW TO FLY and how to stop yourself from waking up - thats just stupid, you can figure out how to control your dreams by yourself and the way to keep you from waking, he will tell you the spinning technique, and to rub your arms…
The SECRET TWO WORDS you need to shout to instantly make your dreams clearer - “clarity now” and “increase lucidity now” , possibly “increase dreamtime now”
The simple drink you can buy anywhere, which can seriously BOOST your dreaming - eh?
How you can turn nightmares into great dreams, with one simple trick - if someone is chasing you, turn around and chase them. If you are being attacked give the bad guy a hug…
The Pajama technique that rockets your dream memory - stick to a dream journal
Your personal CHEAT SHEET, showing everything you need to do to guarantee a lucid dream… TONIGHT! - its probably a summary of everyting in the kit.
All he’s done is taken information that can be found over the internet, and organized it into a “kit” to make money.
It’s a waste…
(I hate advertising)