Has anyone tried this [lucid dreaming kit]?

hello everyone thanks for your time

anyway i could do with some info on the lucid dream kit. two websites i have seen says its good and works and you will have a lucid dream within the week but in the end anyone could of said that after all its just one person saying it.

so im asking anyone who has used it if its any good? does it work?

i have been trying to lucid dream for about a year and managed to get one cuz i remember breathing through my nose when blocked up :happy: however i cant really give it as much as i want because WILD is the best thing for me except its almost impossible for me to wake up at 4 in the morning i would move my clock over to the other side of the room except it would wake up mum and dad so yeh… :sad:

Eh, most people agree that most, if not all, of the info in one of those kits can be found for free on the internet, and you probably know a lot of it already. They’re not really a miracle in a box, which is what they advertise as. The best you could hope for is a placebo effect.

I would recommend just experimenting with all the techniques that are known to work, and maybe using one of the free programs known here to help. WILD may seem the best for your type of sleep, but the results of other methods may surprise you if you give them a try.

About the WBTB problem, have you tried using a cell phone to wake up? I used to have the problem of my parents being woken up by my alarm clock and fussing at me. I haven’t had that problem since using my cell phone. If you put it near your head, it should be loud enough to wake you up.

thanks for your help everyone and thanks mod for moving me to this topic as well:)
anyway to be honest i thought it would give me nothing more than a placebo effect but the problem im having with WBTB is that when i wake up its not hard for me to turn my alarm off so i turn it off and go back to sleep because as you can imagine going to sleep is more appeling at the time :razz:

The simple drink you can buy anywhere, which can seriously BOOST your dreaming ?
COCA COLA :razz:

and i have a couple of important for me questions :
-rythm napping
sounds like some techniques, can you please pm me or answer here what thing is ? :smile:
peace and please answer fast :wink:

I know it’s a old post, but I just crack up reading it. xD
Anyway, why need a “kit” ? I mean… Good recall, and motivation is actually the big key to Lucid Dreaming. :razz: