Has anyone?

Out of curiosity, in an LD has anyone ever tried to talk to:

a) A lost loved one
b) Animals
c) Their pets
d) A celebrity

Can you guys share your experiences? I’d love to hear them!

I had been going out with my girlfriend April for about 10 months. She died in a car accident around christmas time this last christmas. I loved her with my life, and i wish it would have been me that died, but that is beside the point. I visit and talk to her all the time in my lucid dreams. In fact, that is one of the reasons i got back into lucid dreaming so that i could try to talk to her. About a month and a half ago in a dream she told me that i needed to let go, and ever since i havent been able to contact her. But to answer your question, yes, i have contacted a lost loved one.

I’ve done several of the above in NDs, but it’s never occured to me to even try them in an LD.

When I go lucid it’s often hard for me to think, I can take control but my mind is still fuzzy when it comes to other thoughts, so the things I do are usually what is mostly in my thoughts and memory at the time. Too much cognitive thought often wakes me, but I will deffinately be adding those to my to do list.

a) A lost loved one

  • Not possible, nobody I love has died yet.

b) Animals

  • Well, I talked to my cat Gleeson, but that was just telling him to shoo away for a while.

c) Their pets

  • See above.

d) A celebrity

  • Not in a lucid dream, no, unless you count fictional characters.

Edit: Oh wait, I did talk to a celebrity in a lucid dream (sort of)! I forgot! It was Shingo Katori from SMAP (a Japanese band), but I did most of the talking before I became lucid. After I realised it was a dream, I just told him to “hang on a minute” while I tried to get us some privacy so we could talk properly. I woke up before I could, however.

When you speak to someone who has passed away in a dream, is it real?

If it’s feels real to you who is to say it isn’t? There’s no way to know for sure, you’d have to go on your own feelings about whether it was more than a dream.

I spoke to one of our Dogs…well, not really the real dog, just a dream dog…but it was interesting nevertheless. We communicated telepathically, it was as if I could hear the dogs voice in my head, and answer back by projecting my thoughts towards her…as a matter of fact, this was a lucid dream as well, one that I had about 4 years ago if I remember correctly.

No. I’ve spoken to plenty of ghosts in various dreams (though not lucid dreams), and they’re no more real than anything else in the dream. It’s a dream, after all, not reality. Now, if I saw someone who had passed away in real life, I would be considerably more shocked. :tongue:

Hm… let me see…

A) A lost loved one
No, at least I can´t recall it.

B) Animals
Once as far as I remember. A griffin.

C) Your pets

D) Celebrities
Several celebrities, but the one I recall best is probably Ian McKellen. Weirdly enough he lives in the same house every time I ´meet´ him in LDs. Is that supposed to be of any significance?

my dog recently died and i tried to enlighten him in my dreams today.

i first chanted the name of a Buddha to him, but eventually he looked really upset and angry at me.

I then tried invoking Jesus to come help him… but my visualizatoin wasn’t powerful enough to create a white light.

I then started drawing circles over his crown trying to open it up so he could ascend to the highest planes. it eventually lead to odd things happening, but… who knows if this is my real dog or if it’s just my imagination.

i’ve tried deliberately hard to teach him about going to higher planes, based upon my little knowledge, for months prior to this, chanting Buddhist things for him now and then, and whispering Amitabha in his ears the day we had him put to sleep.

then chanting it while going to sleep and dedicating the chant to him.

but it’s all just intent, i have no real way to know what’s going on, or if spirits linger around Earth for a while, or how to guide them to better places.