Have any friends who are also interested in lucid dreams?

I have my brother, he used to have LD’s… Finally I got someone irl to talk about LD’s.

My best friend and I both became interested in lucid dreaming around 8 months ago, but after a while he grew impatient and stopped trying. I would’ve too, but I’ve naturally had them before so I already knew what the experience was like.

Plain and simple → No.
People just aren’t interested in stuff like that. First reactions are something like:“That sounds interesting!”, but afterwards its like:“Who cares…”

:uh: Yes :yes:

  • The Pandaz (although since they left the forum, they left Japan…so now I don’t see them anymore :eh: )
  • Trung (yes, I can consider him a friend even if we never me IRL :razz:)
  • BB and Sarah and HB and moog and Wolf and Bruno and ShaggE and TJR and Alvin and Sandra and Q and all the LD4All members (even the ones that are gone :grouphug: )
  • My BFFs (Gawd that sounds corny :content:), T.K. and Jojo and my GF, Kim :love:
    :uh: I have a supporting circle :twirl:

Strangely enough, though :hmmm: I only ever talk about it most OUTSIDE the forum :bored:

If youre talking about IRL, then either seem to freak out (because i look like a freak, and look like it even more when i talk about it) when i talk about it, listen but never engage in it, or simply ignore it. One guy even said “SilkRoad Online is much better then lucid dreaming!!” O_o (he never said it sucked though).

I have some guys on a swedish QuakeNet channel that i can talk about it though.

And then i got the whole LD4all forums :grouphug:

sadly no.

Yeah, I’d take the dreamworld to the realworld any day.

Live for a “longer” time (Anybody here about the guy in a 3 year coma who awakened saying he was in a LD for 1000 years)
Be a god. You can do anything.(Or so I heard)
Sexxx (So what if I’m underage IRL?)

You can’t meet other people. Too bad theres no Mozzila Dreamfox.
Fear. I hate nightmares.
Forgetting dreams. Somewhere I read everybody has dreams every night, but they forget the most of them.

That’s what I read anyways. I never had a LD yet.

I really think that lucid dreaming takes a special sort of self-motivation in order to do it. Without the motivation, it’s quite difficult to MILD :cool:

but a group of support couldn’t hurt
go LD4ALL lol :content:
Edit: 200 posts whoo!!!

I never really talked about it for a year. Then I found ld4all, my motivation rose, and I just had to tell someone. I have a group of 4 friends (not counting me). I didn’t want to speak up about it for fear of rejection becuase of closemindedness. I thought about whether or not to say something, and I came to the conclusion that I really don’t care. I spoke up about to all of them. One didn’t care, one said “OH! You too?” and I was in awe cuz he said he was a natural, another got interested but gave up in a week (and I don’t stop taunting him about it), and the other was intrigued and is trying to be lucid.

You never know who a fellow LDer could be.

I’m beginning to become more and more surprised as to how many people actually are aware of lucid dreaming. If you can disregard this shameful plug – my site has attracted almost 20 members from random ads I’ve placed on web comics. I’ve only gotten to talk to 3 or 4 of them; ironically enough though, they are all members at this site (one may have been at Dream Views actually).

I’ve also had random acquaintances who have shown interest or knowledge of the subject. In fact, thinking back, my brother told me about lucid dreaming in the first place. At the time though, I was so young that I didn’t believe him (that seems backwards, doesn’t it?). It was only after I joined this site a couple of years ago and explored lucid dreaming that I remembered him talking about controlling his dreams.

I think a lot of people lose motivation when they realize the statement “lucid dreaming is a good way to regain the third of your life you don’t live” doesn’t necessarily imply that lucid dreaming is something you can just start doing like waking up earlier. It takes time out of your waking life, and concentration on the subject. That’s mainly where I run into trouble.

I’ll be your friend! :content:

moved to an already existing topic about friends (due to title chosen) there is also a topic about family click for link :moogle:

Some friends and relatives of mine think that LD is some weird stuff others are more open-minded about it. What’s your experience? Do you speak about your activity or not?

I have a few friends that I know IRL that practice lucid dreaming or at least are interested in it.

Yeah, a lot of my friends are interested it, but most of them have never actually given it a shot.

Surprisingly, yes, I do have friends who are open-minded about this sort of thing! None of them are as into it as I am, but most of my friends agree that it’s a really cool concept to be able to control your dreams.

My younger brother knows too, but he doesn’t even have to try to induce lucid dreaming–it’s a natural gift for him. The strange thing is, though, that he doesn’t WANT to have LDs. He’s convinced that it deprives you from random, subconcious, “real” dreaming, which can be more interesting than lucidity. He also says that he doesn’t like trying to create an escape from reality with his own mind: “It’s still not real! What’s the point if you’re doing things and talking to people inside your head?” Blah, blah, blah… It’s so annoying to hear him constantly blabbing about it, too, because he’s got the natural LDing gift and he doesn’t even WANT it!

Unfortunately, no one I’ve talked about LDing to practices or is even interested. :sad: I got one friend to join here, but she doesn’t post and tells me she doesn’t want to make the effort to have LD’s. That totally boggles my mind as LD’s are absolutely wonderful and worth working for in my opinion! I’ve talked to her and told her about some of the good LD’s I’ve had. Her mind appears to unchanged, though. Can’t do anything about it.

As for my other friends they ignore me whenever I talk about LDing or they say something like “Okay.” and go talk about whatever else.

Yeah it happens. Some people are just unresponsive to the idea, they either find it a weird concept or just don’t want to put the effort into trying. Well worth the payoff though.

I had a friend once who was talking to me about a dream he had the night before and he said that he wished he could have changed something about how it turned out, (don’t remember exactly) and I’d known him for a while and knew he was pretty open-minded so I spent a whole 50 minute run (cross country practice) telling him about LDing and about all the different methods. He seemed totally into it and wanted to get started right away. I told him the first step was to keep a DJ and remember your dreams well enough to be able to write out at least one fully detailed dream from the night before, each day. He asked if I had any literature on it and the next day I loaned him Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge. He came back the next day, walked up to me, said “Here’s your book.” handed it to me, and that was that. From the tone of his voice, I decided it was probably not a good idea to question his bizarre actions.

What do you think, strange isn’t it? :bored:

I get in a lot of discussions bout weird dreams,and sometimes I’ll say “Yah,once I had a dream where I knew that I was dreaming,and I could control anything.” BUt most of the people just ignored me, and the others were like “Yah, ive had a dream like that once,where I knew I was dreaming.” But they never seem very interested in it…