Have any friends who are also interested in lucid dreams?

ive told two ppl about it and they were both interested and thought it was cool but i doubt either of them try to. I dont really know why i dont tell people about it more. Maybe im scared of them being better than me, or maybe i dont want them to think im crazy, or they think that im wierd cuz i want to be able to do whatever. Plus im 15 almost 16 so i know at least 4 ppl that will think im sick, and that i only want them so i can … ya know…

I actually just recently talked about it with two friends coming home from college and both of them surprised me at the fact that they knew what I was talking about and I even got them both to start dream journals.

I’ve got a couple friends whom I occasionally trade strange stories from the previous night’s dreams with. Because I talk to them so frequently now it’s more to have something to talk about than it is an interest shared amongst us.

I’ve tried to get them to keep a DJ but they aren’t interested in doing it. While they think LD is cool when it happens, they don’t see the point behind trying for it.

I have two real life friends who dream lucid and of which I know that. The first one is the one I got into lucid dreaming, he dreams quite actively now, and is really talented, also in lucid dreaming. The other one spontaniously started lucid dreaming. Is is fun to be able to openly talk about lucid dreaming with them. :3

every time one of my friends talks about a dream he/she had then it instantly reminds me of LD’s. I really want to tel lthem but idk why i dont. Ima make that my New Years Resolution. that sounds like a good idea

Many of my friends know that Lucid Dreaming is possible, but none of my friends are truly interested in them.

hehe, like the "what does your family think about LD’s topic " :happy:

My Brother tried to tell it to one of our friends (he is not our age , but about 35 …) and he sayed that this kind of thing was exactly what he would expect from the kinds of me … (GAH) :grrr: :wallhit: :razz:

Sadly, (that I know of) None of my friends are interested in LD ing or have ever heard of it. I would really like to talk with somone who has :meh:

One of my friends was interested in LD ing , and even registered as Patarak. However, he gave up after a month or so, so i don’t really have any that are that interested.

My cousin is, sometimes…

Edit: Also, one of my friends is to. She (Yes, it’s a she :tongue:) also likes OOBE’s and Astral Projections. In fact, now that I that I think of it she likes many things… :content:

Right now, no. But im getting some friends into it. :content:

I’ve tried getting some of my friends into LDing but they “just can’t be bothered”.
Well it’s their loss :neutral: . I wish i had a friend to talk to about LDs as well…
Some of my mates joined LD4all, but they’re not active now. I also think SRG used to LD but not anymore :no:

My friend at my old school really got into Lucid dreaming, and got like 10 of them. But after 8 month he stopped. And now I moved, so I haven’t spred the word yet. Meybe I should…:happy:

My cousin somewhat is…sometime he is sometime hes not.
He thinks there isnt much of a point in doing it. I told him hes crazy.

None of my friends are either :meh:
sigh well, its their loss.

Well , my best friend who I live together with became interested in LD-ing with me . So 6 days ago we started to keep a DJ . During this time I have had only 1 dream I can clearly remember and 3 I remember a little bit . She has 1 dream she remember clear but nothing else . We both struggle with our dream recalls .
The problem is that every morning she wakes up and remembers nothing of her dreams she starts acting like an asshole . It totally ruins her whole day and she thinks that after 6 days her dream recall which has never been good should be perfect . She just cant understand that it always takes time . I dont know what to do . I cant suggest her anything that makes her dream recall better and I also dont want to quit but I guess I just have to just to make her positive again . :confused:

I told my friend about LD:ing and that I do it, and now he thinks I’m crazy. He takes it as a big joke or something. I hate it when people don’t understand. :happy: But I can’t blame them.

Well since DJ isn’t really working for her in the sense of dream recall, i suggest you/her that she needs a constant sleep pattern (waking up the same hour), i also suggest not waking up in stress but instead keep herself in bed w/ closed eyes and start thinking about the dreams only.
my 2 pesos… :happy:

2 of my friends are interested. 1 of them can’t start with lucid dreaming right now cause she knows that her sister will look in her dream journal so she will start with lucid dreaming when she moves out. My other friend has had lucid dreams since she was little but she isn’t really motivated in finding out more it seems cause it’s just a part of her everyday life.

There have only one person out of all the person i have told about LD that was interested, he actually tried w/ very few ld’s but then he gave up about a year or two ago.
About the ‘‘natural ld’ers’’ that aren’t really interested in their ‘‘gift’’, i think that they might have ld’s but the ‘‘natural lds’’ they have must be pretty low in order for them to not be interested anymore. But i’m not saying that it have to be that way always; as everything, each case is different but that might be the standard view.

This is my first post; yes I saw the new people topic but this one seems so much more appropriate. It was a very special friend who got me into the lucid dreams. (yeah, you know who you are! :tongue: ) I have had my own experiences with this type of thing; though not neccesarily dreams. It was this person that somehow not only found me and came to me, but managed to open me up about it. I don’t know how. All I can say is that it is a blessing.
While it would be great having all of our friends, the ones we can hang out with all the time, into this, its not easy to make that work. I have always been carefull about who I pick as friends, and all the people I’m close to are open minded. I probably could. Thats just me though.
What you have to realize is that you all have each other. Had I known something like this even existed, I would have been able to develop my abilities much more easily. Anything I know or do is self taught. This is new for me, but i’ts definitely a great support you seem to have for each other here. I have been watching, reading and learning from all of you for a little while and I think I could fit in here easily! :grin: