Have anyone had their first LD from WILD?

All I notice when waking up consciously from a LD is that the dream fades to black and I start to feel myself lying in bed. That’s all. Even when I’m rubbing my hands in my dream to prevent myself from waking up, I’m waking up rubbing my real hands, so there’s no sensation of SP.

Yeah that’s basically what I experience too, no SP. It makes me uncertain about if we are in SP all the time we dream.

for me waking up is so quick, there’s no transition at all. i just feel myself in the bed, sometimes with SP, sometimes without.

I had my 2nd LD with WILD does that count? :razz:

I don’t think that’s very common at all. First time I tried I didn’t get any LD, second time it took 2 weeks I think. I heard about people who have tried for a month without success.

ill vouch for you as it took me a whole year for my first one and it only lasted a few seconds.

My first LD was a WILD! I woke up in the middle of the night and thought that I might as well try WILDing, so I did, and after a sort time I started feeling a spinning sensation and saw green light. When it was over I got out of bed and did an RC and I was dreaming!

However, I’ve only had about 2 WILDs since. Most of my LDs are DILDs.

I have i think

Well i don’t no if counts as a wild.

Well i was looking at the inside of my eyelids and was trying to stop myself from thinking unnecessary thoughts and i didn’t realley work. So after i while i was like okej i will just think about random thinks but not move any part of my body. And before i knew it bam i was laying in my bed and i was like i wonder if Im im lucid so i open my eyes but couldn’t see anything. And i realized i was Lucid it was awesome

But ehm i been trying wild for several weeks and it only worked like once so I don’t think it’s so effective

WILD’s not the most reliable technique, especially if you’re just beginning. It does sound like a WILD though, my own (only) WILD was very similar. I didn’t even decide to RC though, I just FOUND myself RCing in darkness. However, that was definitely not one of my first LDs. All my first LDs were DILDs before I learned of techniques from this site and such (although I did have a DJ to help).

Congrats on the LD/WILD, SoulGlow!