Been staying at someone elses house, with multiple people, and everyone is going to sleep, and your having trouble falling asleep, and you start to hear people talking to you? It hasn’t happened to me in a while, but it was annoying because a couple of times I would respond aloud, only to realize, that no one was actually awake.
That means you are very close to having a dream. It can happen also whenyou are alone.
That’s auditory HH. It’s the equivalent of HI, but for the hearing.
In another topic
I’ve had this … my worse time was when I hadn’t slept well the night before and got to bed late the next night. I could hear all voices in the room as if a party was happening
HH seems to be it. Just the other day I woke up in the Morning and heard my friend at my front door yelling my name… I got up and ran to the door to find that no one was there…
Yeah, this has happened to me too. But now that I think about it, I didn’t really realize it… weird.
i has happened to me before when i’m alone. my friends would be hanging out with me, say, all day, and then when they leave sometimes i still have the impression that they’re there 'cause i forgot they left.
like one night my friend was sitting behind me for a long time and we were looking at stuff on my computer, and then after he left i was watching more stuff and i turned back to say something to him, but he wasn’t there. i can’t really explain it, like i felt his presence behind me, but he wasn’t there. sorta like when someone turns a tv on you can hear the frequency, i dunno. now i’m not even making sense, and this isn’t even HH, lol.
I get that TV thing too, like my mom leaves the TV on and thinks it’s off but I know it’s on clear in the other room.
Auditory Hi is pretty weird. Just reading these posts gave me chills
Good topic
I had that once…I was on a 12 hour plane flight and i was trying to get to sleep. Whilst i was on the sleep thresh hold i thought i herd my mother say
’ Liam do you want something to drink ’ I ignored it and tried to get back to sleep and i herd her say ’ If you dont drink you will DIE '.
After hearing this i woke up instantly and said ’ STOP PESTERING ME ABOUT DRINKING, AND DONT SAY THINGS LIKE THAT '…
The funny thing was she was like . And i kind of shouted it out so everone looked at me .
During my school years, when I was around 15 or 16, whenever I was going to sleep, I thought I could hear the sound of my friends talking, as if I were hearing them in the playground talking to each other a few metres behind me. At one point I actually though that perhaps I was hearing there thoughts througgh some telepathic link, and made attempts to communicate, but in retrospect, I think it was HH acting through the familiar sound of my friend’s voices.
i had this happen once and it was the scariest thing that ever happened to me because it was also accompanied with SP. I was trying to sleep in my room and the next thing I know I hear far off bombs going off and machine guns firing, then all of a sudden I heard a walkie talkie.
kssssshshhs-" Get out of there now!! We are surrounded" It scared me because it went on for around 10 min. and there was nothing I could do. I heardpeople dying and I thought I was going to die for some reason. Its happened a couple more times but it wasn’t ever as scary as that time.
I think i’ve experienced this 4-5 times.
- while sleeping, i heard a woman singing very beautiful.
- trying to sleep in my grandma’s guest bedroom i heard like a party outside (it was New Year’s day) but the party was already over when i heard them. the same bedroom, years later, w/ my brother in the same guest bedroom. I heard this demonic voice hovering my brother. - In SP, i heard this woman’s voice say ‘‘Yes,Yes’’. (the scariest one)
- i’m not sure if i experienced the woman’s voice again or not…
Last week, I went home for the weekend and my father wanted me to help him move some broken cars around at his garage at some time, but I wasn’t sure when. When I got up on Friday morning I had the house to myself, and thought it would be good to try WBTB in an armchair which always sends me to sleep, and thought that if my father came to get me, I would wake up and be ready to go. I got relaxed in the chair and tried visual incubation of my hynagogia, and very soon I had one vivid enough that I could start to step into it as a dream. Soon after entering the dream, I heard noises in the hallway, and snapped out of the dream, but still in SP. I could hear something moving in the hall, and then I heard my father’s voice, exclaiming to himself “Oh. There’s nobody in.” and at that point I tried to call out “I’m in here”, but it just came out as a short quiet moan. I kept on trying, and then I tried to stamp my foot but it wouldn’t move. All the time my eyes were closed. After struggling some more I discovered that I could move one arm. I lifted it up and tugged at my head, and that did the trick and woke my body. I could still hear something in the hall, and I called out “Hello? Hello?” but there was no answer. It turned out to be the cat walking around in the hall, his claws tapping on the laminate floor. My fathers voice had just been hypnagogia. I’d never experienced SP like that.
This sounds like this has happened to me but I can’t remember a specific instince, sorta like daja vu
dude auditory hh rocks I wanna have some more of that happening to me! I love all these crazy hallucination’s though I don’t have them much at all… though I had the auditory hh where my dad was waking me up… I was doing WILD technique trying to get in a lucid dream and ended up spoiling it for myself by turning around in response to “my dad”.
I tried to WILD, I think it was last night - could have been the night before, and I had this. As soon as I realized that it was fake (about 10 seconds), it went away (Score_Under=annoyed).
no but on a random note I get hypnagogia often. When I’m falling asleep I’ll hear somebody shout, usually my sister. I’ll open my eyes and listen out but it’s always nothing.