Have you inspired LDs for other people?

My boyfriend had a lucid dream after I told him about how most people can’t read in dreams, and that this is something that can be used to become lucid. He said I was in his dream suggesting that he try to read. He became lucid, and then got so excited that he woke up.

What about you guys?

Why is it that people always wake up in their first LD like in a second? It happens to EVERYONE

Well i have a friend and i trust him alot, i told him about LD and he seemed abit interested. And one guy talked about LD infront of the class even though himself cant LD, and i told him that i can do that and he didnt believe me lol

Same here Huse, I have a friend to that knows about LD-ing from me, he is interested but he makes excuses that he doesn’t have a time for this, but who knows, maybe one day he decided to try…