Having difficulty "invoking" people in dreams

Hi im new so Hihiyo

I can become Lucid pretty much reliably, but i have major problems in getting people i want to see appearing in my dreams… I can summon (hehe) up objects and do omnipotent stuff etc, BUT NO PEOPLE!!! I just try to make them bulge out of another object (like i do other stuff) but i just get a huge shiney lump and thats it :confused: Never takes form

Any tips??

You don’t HAVE to play God in every LD, you know. You could also try looking for the people you want to see in your LDs. Try turning a corner, checking behind a closed door etc. Also, you should look at the places where you are most likely to find them in RL (If you are looking for your maths teacher, you should probably start looking at your school etc.)
Try shouting out their names, maybe someone will come running… :hmmm:

And if nothing works… You could try what I have done in my latest LDs:
Look straight ahead, put one arm to the side (don’t look at it!). Then, slowly turn around until your arm hits something (you should be expecting it to do so). Then that “something” is most likely the person you want it to be, standing there behind you…

I hope that helped :wink:

I’ve given a lot of thought to this topic over the last couple years, because it’s one of my favorite things to do.

There are a couple of different ways you can do this. One of the ones previously mentioned in the thread is to simply walk around and look for the person. This is a good technique if you’re in or near a crowd of people. If you’re all alone somewhere, it wouldn’t work as well.

You can stand near a door or the side of a building and call that person’s name, but the trouble is you start focusing on your own yelling and not the person.

Another thing you can do is look at a spot on the ground and imagine just a little bit of steam coming off the ground. Then imagine and watch the steam grow and grow into a cloud of smoke, that the person appears out of.

The most important thing to do is think about and visualize the person in your mind. Think about what he or she is wearing, what mood or facial expression, etc. The person will appear. Note: when you start focusing on imagining things in your mind, the dream will start to fade out. This makes the dream more easily controlled, but makes it less vivid and the dream might end. What you should do is find a good balance–imagine the person, and once they appear start staring at them and working to make the dream stable again.

Thanx for knowledgeable advice!!! I figured i would try all tips last 2 nights but to no avail (IE no lucidity)

Its so strange how these bizarre techniques can work person-to-person… I thought the mental mechanics would vary so much from dude to dude