Im new to ld4all, yet im not new to Lucid Dreaming.
Since about 1 month, i got my ability to go Lucid back.
Its been almost 8 years since i last had a ld before.
but somehow, i can only go lucid after the REM Stages are over…
I mean… i wake up in the morning and stay in bed to get some lucids
But at night, i only have NDs.
I read that it should be easier to go lucid when in REM stages…
Anyone else that has experienced this?
Also, my lucids are very short… i somehow can’t maintain them very long,
even tried the DreamClock method.
Also my DreamControl is bad compared to when i had lucids when i was a child.
Why do you think that this LD’s you have in the morning are outside REM cycle(in NREM cycles)?
With more time you sleep REM cycle gets longer and in the morning it’s the longest and you enter it pretty fast. I can say that with guarantee so you do have LD’s in the REM only at it’s latest faze/period.
But why do you don’t become lucid in earlier stages. Reason is very simple. What’s the biggest difference in the morning and during the night let’s say 3 or 4 am?? Usually in the morning before you have LD’s you wake up, you are more awake generally in the morning then you are at 3 or 4 am which means that you are automatically more aware, conscious then you are at 3 or 4 am. That makes you job at becoming lucid much easier.
So your answer is that you need to do WBTB and find the right amount of time to become mentally awake but your body still asleep…
Exactly. This is when your REM period will be at it’s longest if you continue to sleep. Any dreams during this time will be more memorable and vivid.
You also enter REM much more quickly during naps, so most nap dreams will also occur during REM sleep.
You should be able to remember the dreams during these earlier cycles. Like db_FTS suggested, WBTB can help with this tremendously. Since you’re just getting back into LDing, I’m sure it’s going to take a bit of practice to get the hang of it as well as you once did.
I’ll try it out:)
What does it mean to be a natural though?
Am i one because i can just go lucid without any practice?
Or what does it mean to be a natural ?