Having trouble remembering my LDs...

I’ve noticed a problem that has started occuring to me recently.
In general, it seems like when I have an LD, I have a lot of trouble recalling it, and I even have trouble remembering the fact that I’ve had one!

It happend to me last night. I woke up all hazy after 8 hours of sleep. After a few minutes of being lazy in bed, I was thinking to myself “Hey… didn’t I have an LD tonight?!” and then I slowly recalled the fact that I’ve had an LD, and a few fragments of the LD itself. I could recall the beginning of the dream very vaguely, and a few moments of the dream as well. But I have no idea how the dream turned out, or how it ended.

This happend to me a couple of times before as well… I suddenly remembered that I’ve had an LD, recalled a few parts, and had no clue about how the dream ended.

What’s wrong with me? :sad:

Nothing’s wrong with you :slight_smile: It just takes time and practice…

Are you intending to wake up after every dream (not just LDs) to recall them? That’s something I always have to do to recall my dreams. And with LDs, I try to make sure I wake up when they end (and you really gotta watch out for those false awakenings!).

Despite how tired and lazy you’ll be in the middle of the night, you’ve really gotta be motivated to wake up and remember your dreams.

Well, there’s a useful way that I use to link remembering my dreams with my morning glass of water.

Take a glass of water to your bed, and state your intention for right now (Drink half the glass, go to sleep and dream) and then, once you’ve drank half, state the intention of the morning (Drink other half, and remember my dream) and when you wake up, repeat the second part of your intention. This should help you remember your dreams because you are linking a subconcious command in with an action. It often helps to close your eyes after you do this, and you will probably start ‘watching’ the dream again.

Yup, I try to, but it doesn’t help much. My summer vacation was plenty of time for me to practice all sorts of things. But I haven’t found the perfect solution. When I go to sleep I always tell myself (with an intention) that I’m going to wake up after each dream and write it down. It doesn’t help much in the first 5-6 hours, I scarcely recall dreams from that sleeping period. But after my alarm clock wakes me, and I go to sleep again (WBTB), I tell myself again that I’m going to remember my dreams and it works MUCH better.

Wow, this seems like an awesome way. I’m gonna try it tonight! Hopefully I won’t spill all the water in my special way of clumziness when I wake up :tongue: