Having trouble...

I’ve been having trouble remembering my dreams. Most nights I don’t even know that I had a dream! Can someone help me, please :shy: ?


It can be frustrating. I understand how you feel! :grrr:

All I can suggest is that you have a STRONG desire to remember your dreams and treasure them. Record them in your journal the first thing in the morning. Also try to drink a full glass of water, it really works. :angel_fly:

Start a dream diary even if you dont remember any dreams, cuz you can start off just writing down fragmented thoughts and it will get easier to remember. Tell yourself before you go to sleep that you will remember your dreams, and it helps to wake up a couple hours earlier than usual so you will hopefully interupt a dream…I think usually you have to wake up right after a dream to remember it. There’s alot of other tips on this site, and you’ll prolly get alot of stuff if you do a google search. Read up and it’ll be on your mind. :wink:

Good luck and happy dreaming :smile:

I remember my dreams regularly often 3 per night. but usually at least 5 a week minimum. i can’t really offer you advise to how to remember them, however i can say this. Be cautious when using a dream diary.

I’ve noticed that when i write a dream in my dream diary i don’t have that dream again. I don’t know why, I had a good dream that i enjoyed having but ever since i put it in my dream diary i have not had it since.

Since comming to this site, i have been able to tell myself what to dream on several occations. I have remembered dreams in more detail as well. Maybe i should try and tell myself to have this dream again… hmm… i’m talking to myself now lol.

Hand signs. It can be that easy. Come up with a little hand sign or gesture for it. Then do it a couple times before bed and once or twice through the day. I got one for waking up, one for remembering my dreams, and one for lucid dreaming. They seem to work for me. All except the lucid dreaming sign. My dream recall is pretty good, 4 last night. But waking up youre thinking? Its not just regular waking up, its at 4:00AM without using an alarm :cool_laugh:. Thats when I usually write down a couple dreams and attempt my daily WILD.

If you can’t think of a handsign use this one.
Make a fist. Extend your first finger till it is inline with the rest of your hand. Then raise your middle finger till it is perpindicular with the rest of the hand. Extend your thumb out to the side. (Each finger will be facing a different direction) Then every time you make this symbol say to yourself, “I will remember my dreams.” :crazy:

If you try this method, post your results. I’m curious as to whether it works on on others or just me :uptosomething:

And definitely keep a dream journal. They’re so krazy to look back at. :mrgreen_hat:

Just tell yourself that you will remember your dreams. Works for me.