Healing energy on a broken collar bone!!

I have been bored in my recent LD’s, and it would be fun to do something new. I figure I might as well attempt to send some type of healing energy to my broken bone. Any tips?

Moved from Spiritual Corner :ysim:

what a great idea :grin: where do you get those cool ideas? :grin:

anyhow, you can ask for healing directly in the dream or try going into your body in your LD to the bone and see if you can mend it with your LD powers, or go to a healing temple in your LD and receive treatment, or go to a dream doctor…

but the most important Question: what would you imagine that would help? consider that, and then try to apply that in your LD :smile:

good luck and keep me posted on how you fare :smile:

I can’t say I have tried healing in dreams, but I think its a fantastic idea! Healing is a beautiful beautiful thing. :content:

I don’t know how experienced you are, but a bit of advice for the waking world: be careful! I have pulled it off often enough, helped other people and been careful about it. I enjoy it! especially seeing people feel better. It is soo cool! good luck.

But I’ve also exhausted myself trying to play healer for myself - trying to use chi, ki, psi, energy (all the same, whatever you want to call it!) too much; using my life force! trying to heal myself seems to take more focus and energy.

I think i healed myself from a cold using mentras once…
If not…but i’m sure i stopped my mucus for a whole day. :happy:
So yeah,might work…