Met a guy once who performed healings while dreaming.He worked in a new -age shop in the daytime and did a night-shift healing paying customers.Are there any threads discussing this matter or does anyone know any more about this ?
People paid him money for him to ‘heal’ them while he slept?
Sounds like a good con, and that’s about it.
This must be related to, OOBE, but no one is completely sure it if really exists, while some claim it does.
I’m sure that there are people around here who know about it.
Look in the beyond dreaming section.
thanks guys… Med waste-love you art,v funny robot and rings true to me Tggtt-OOBE sounds close,will look further into that-thanks. krakatoa-that’s one hell of a big section to sift through i did try forum search but couldn’t narrow it down to anything specific.I’ll wait and see.
I’ve always believed a person can heal themselves through dreams, but to go as far as saying you can be healed by someone else who is dreaming?
I suppose it’s possible but I wouldn’t trust them if they asked for money. In a sense it is a form of spiritualist healing and around here at least, no one charges for that they heal because it’s a gift.
If you really want to find other threads of this type there is a search engine at the top of the page.
That depends too on which type of healing you want…
It’s not something that’s done during normal dreaming, it’s something that can be done during astral travel. The Astral is a place of power that can be used to affect this reality. What exactly did you want to know Roger13?
thanks for the kind words! I should get back to making more sometime, but right now I am working on art for a game.
Yes astral travel sounds more like it.I suppose its a good thing because the astral planes are something i steer clear of,but using them for positive purposes rather than negatively manipulating this reality.I’ve been working towards cleansing these areas(humanitys’ mental-body).
Well, whether or not one is aware of it, the astral-self is a part of every individual. To avoid the astral is to avoid a part of life. Just like in this world, there are scary and dangerous places there, and we avoid them, but there are also wonderful, powerful places that can make life more abundant both here and there.
Thanks sage. We can all differentiate between astral influences and higher dimensional inspiration,and therefore we are able to see both sides of issues,which enables us to perceive the full range of information.Astral influences are nothing more than the desires of other humans to invade our minds,which cannot happen to people who have figured out the game.excerpt from Alchemy of Nine Dimensions-Barbara Hand Clow. I’ve not been avoiding this realm-just looking beyond it after battling for many years.