Hearing whispering during WILD attempt?

I tried wild right when i went to bed to see if it would work. I was laying there for about 20 minutes when i started hearing whispering it freaked me out so much that i “woke up”. I am still trying to figure out if i was even WILDing. It could have just been me hearing something but it was like someone was whispering in my ear.

idk i just wanted to share. Any comments?

That’s HS, happens to me all the time, just ignore, focus on your mind, not on your ears :smile:

It is a hypnagogic hallucination, it means that you are falling asleep :cool:

My most common one is the phone ringing or knocking on the door!

sweet! I have a question. I have have had only 1 lucid dream but it may have been a FLD because i told myself i was dreaming but i had no control. Anyway everyone says that beginners shouldnt try wild but i have been making progress in the last few weeks so im going to keep trying. I have never gotten into a LD from wild but i have gotten into a false awakening and an ND. But i am usually successful when i wake up in the middle of the night on my own. But when i try to wake up using an alarm clock i just lay there for hours. How do i get myself to wake up on my own without an alarm clock?

Mantras and Autosuggestion?

Or you can ignore it and use it like an anchor to get you into the dream :razz:

(I love HS, haven’t had it in a while :sad: )

Yea! Haha, I think its actually really cool (but then again, I don’t get “creepy” sounds"). Whenever a HS “wakes” me up, there’s a little bit of disappointment since it shows you were close to falling asleep. :content:

I’m pretty interested about using it as an “anchor”, what do you meant? :happy:

As mentioned before, use auto-suggestion. The first time I tried it, I woke up only 10 minutes after the time I wanted to.

As for the HS, I hear whispers too, also heavy rain.

Well, first of all, I haven’t done it myself :tongue: but considering that the sounds are internal sensory information, as in anything and everything that forms a dream, if you follow it it should lead you to a dream :content: I’d guess just gently focus your attention on it. Pay attention to what voices say and such. After a while you could even start imagining other sensory parts. For example, if you hear fire crackling, you can start imagining the sensation of heat or what fire looks like, as you pay attention to that sound. Kinda help the dream form, in a way.

Okay thanks.

HS stops everytime i listen to it xD

Yeah, HS, like HI, in the beginning is really fragile and will vanish easily. So try to barely focus, or even don’t focus on it but just be aware that it’s there. Then start putting tiny amounts of attention on it as you feel it won’t go anywhere. Hard to explain with words :razz:

ya its a cool thing i remember when i first heard it. i just woke up randomly in the middle of the night and tried to go to sleep and i heard someone whisperingbut i had already read about so i knew wat it was. i couldnt really understand wat it said but i could match a voice to it. it was really cool.

I hear all sorts of weird things whenever I try to WILD. It takes some getting used to.