
So after the hot shower you take a cool shower…ok why not

I did become a bit more drowsy after the hot shower, and I had a WILD/DILD :content: as this was one of the rare chances I had for a WBTB.

i seem to have more often LDs when my room is cold.

In the summer you should try a cold shower and in the winter a hot one. But it could be other way around… I forgot :bored:
Maybe I can dig up that source again

Anyway, I think I’m just going to take a shower

I always take a long hot shower before bed on school nights. I haven’t noticed any effects on my dreams because of it, and obviously I have more dreams on weekends since I sleep longer…so results are inconclusive I guess. Then again I haven’t been trying LDs for very long.

heat tends to make me sleep better, i have sleeping problems so i helps me

Since u guys r talking about sleeping environments…i just wanted to ask a question related 2 this :smile:. DOes an ‘opened window’ affect any of u guy’s dream recall in the morning?

Currently, my goal is first to even get to sleep comfortably, let alone have lucid dreams right now. My best temperature is 16 C and a light blanket. When I’m comfortable, I get to sleep faster, and can have more vivid dreams.

:confused: A quote within a quote…how weird is that!

Here is a good little article regarding cats that sleep on your chest.


Heat messes me up big time. I can not sleep period! If it get too hot while I am asleep I will wake up out of a dead sleep. I perfer a cooler room temp.