
I got one. An LD. =P Funny thing was that I wasn’t really trying yet…<_<

Poor control but meh. =P I didn’t wake up upon the LD so i consider it good enough for a first try…BUT I GOT IT!

So…I’m happy. Gave me a great feeling. :content:

looks around Isn’t there a big topic for this somewhere? >_> Shift as appropriate… :tongue:

Good job, tonight will be night 5 for me, but last night i remembered 3 good dreams! I still havent had a LD though :sad: but i hope i will tonight. so what was your LD about?

Check out the ‘First LD’ topic in the Dream Journal section :smile:

CONGRATZ… ODDISH… :hurray: :bounce: :sleep: :read: :cloud9: :thumbs: :ok: :wizard: :wave: My first LD was night 1. But this was only 2 secs and was completley black. Night 2:Nothing. Night3: 2 LD 's. Night 4: A ND :grin:

I thought there had to be a BIG topic somewhere…heeee.

Thanks everyone. >_>

:yay: well done :boogie:

btw if you ever want to find a topic and have difficulty with the search feature … helpdesk is useful or pm a mod :tongue:

Well done oddish :content: sounds like a pretty good first LD to me :smile:

Keep it up!

I didn’t know it existed! X_X But I thought it did…my memory works in strange ways. <_<

Time to stop this before I run WAY off topic. As it does it’s bad enough already. =P And I really ought to go to bed.

gives oddish a pokeblock :tongue: