I had a dream that I was at the mall buying stuff. This girl was behind me (jessica) and she was yelling at me telling me to buy this gold T that was hanging up in hot topic. I refused. I remember then I bought something and left the store. Then I went home. And I lived in a big huge two story building. When I got home Ed suprised my mom by painting the house YELLOW with getting lawn decorations cause we just moved in there. I remember be sOOOOOOO happy . Then I was at my elementary school (Im in middle school) and my house was right across the street. I remember getting on top of the school wall. Then I remember telling me to jump down. But I coudlnt. My MIND wouldnt let me. Thats what has been going on in real life. I havent been able to do a hand stand but I CAN Do it if there is a wall behind me (i dont hit the wall) And In my dream i remember telling myself that Ive jumped down before. I jumped. And I woke up.
- I guess your mind just categorizes what happens during the day into its own perspective