Hi, i’m new to this place. I was planning to join a few days ago but as usual my luck decided to dictate otherwise… But meh, the forum’s back now so here I am. ^_^"
Anyhow, i’ve been trying to Lucid Dream for about a week now consistently, though i’ve tried in the past a few times too and have been interested in lucidity ever since I heard of it. I know a week isn’t much time to expect results in, but i’m far from discouraged about it.
At any rate, I was wondering a few things…
Exactly how critical to lucidity is it to have good dream recall? Since I started trying i’ve been keeping a diary of recall on my computer and so far I haven’t got much. ._."
Some nights I find i’ll go to sleep and I will not dream whatsoever. I’ll literally go to sleep seemingly, then wake up in what seems like an instant, but really my full sleep has passed. Is there any way to get rid of these ‘dreamless nights’, as they’re depressing to start with, moreso when trying to become lucid.
The guide says to “Not want it too much”… I often try to visualise that i’m giving my dreams the gift of my true presence. Is that a good way or a poorer way to induce lucidity?
Could be you sleep very much in non rem sleep then its harder to remember your dreams…rem sleep is a less deep sleep stage then non rem sleep…so in rem its easy to remember your dreams…
From sleep research we know that our sleep cyclus is always 1 1/2 hour and then repeats it self…but the percentage of rem sleep they found in that is all statistics…average, and most ppl fit in those but not all!
There are always exceptions to those statistics.
Dream recall is quite important to have lds!
You could observe how much you sleep in hours and at what time you go to sleep…and then look if the nights where you can remember dreams
are different in times and sleep hours then the not remembering dreamnights.
Ehm i use passion, pleasure and craving to have lds.
When i just started with finding lds interesting…i used the way of the yogi…
its an easy way but it demands dedication and patience!
They look all day at the world like its a dream…so you look around where ever you are…your room, house , street, school…shopping centre…nature…and you say to yourself…wow…i am dreaming…what a unbelieveble detailed view this dream has…and you touch your hands and feel and say wow that touching was so real, amazing. (be amazed lol)
If u make that a daily practise…you dont have to do reality checks in dreams because in the real dream you will have the same attitude…like oh…iam dreaming right now…and you c the difference between real life and the dream because the trained routine will link to your waking consciousness right away…because you trained it so often, it becomes natural to your consdciousness.
What also works to enforce this is to really crave to dream…in your case i would first crave for having dreams (is of course remembering them) really really feel also the pleasure if you would rember dreams…because pleasure is a very powerfull way (like fear) to communicate with your subconsciousness. The subconscious doesnt communicate so well with words lol…more with feeling…association…suggestion.emotions.
Pleasure is a very strong drive, like craving for something…but you have to combine those two…only craving isnt enough.
So try to imagine how much pleasure it would give you if you could remember your dreams. This means lol really many times aday living this all what i said…so dedication and super patience are asked
I do it this way lol when i want lds more then normal…focus on it all day…not with thoughts but with feeling, passion, craving and pleasure and the yogi way of looking around and say…iam dreaming…wow (and wow means then the emotion of pleasure that you are looking at a dream from within a dream) So yes i do take it very serious and very dedicated if i want more lds then normal.
Further in your case of bad remembering dreams i would try zazen meditation…not in lotus thats hard just on a chair.
Zen meditation really helps your consciousness being aware of the fact that you dream.
And you could use a alarm clock set at different times to look if u wake up at a certain time if u can remember dreams…in the last hours of sleep…not the beginning! When u find a time where u wake up and remeber you where dreaming…write the dream fraq down in a diary!
Hi Luminar.
First of all, welcome to the forum! I hope this forum will be a great help for you to achieve lucidity in your dreams
Oh I don’t think you’ve broken any forum rules. Don’t worry about that Why did you think so?
Now, considering your questions:
I think dream recall is quite necessary because if you can’t remember any dreams, how could you possibly know if you had a nice LD that night? Dream recall itself can perhaps cause a small increase in the chances of having a LD. If you have a good dream recall, you can recognize your dreamsigns, which you can use to do RCs. And if you use a dream diary, you can reread your old dreams or relive good old LDs. This will definitely have a positive effect on your future LDing, because in this way you can become familiar with your style of dreaming, and this makes it easier to recognize dreams for what they are… dreams
If you have seemingly dreamless nights, there are a few things you can do. The most important thing is that you need to have really good intention of remembering dreams: when you’re lying in your bed in the evening, repeat the mantra “I WILL remember my dreams”. Try to give it true meaning and really believe that it will work. Try to fall asleep with this mantra still playing in your head. The first thing which must come into your mind when you wake up, needs to be “what did I just dream?”. Try not to move!! Close your eyes and really concentrate on what you may have dreamed a few minutes ago. Mostly you’ll remember some impressions or little scenes. You can use these to rebuild the dream the best you can. If you don’t remember anything, try to rmember something of a dream based upon how you felt when you woke up. This could perhaps give you some clues. If you still can’t remember anything, write down what you think you may have dreamed. Don’t be disappointed if you can’t remember anything the first few days or so, but don’t give up! In time this technique will work fine.
Something else you can try is this: set your alarm clock and your mental clock to wake you up at about 6hrs after you go to sleep. If you wake up at that time, do the exercise I mentioned. In time, you’ll automatically wake up at that time, due to your mental clock.
I don’t really know about this technique. Is it something like repeatedly saying that you WILL become lucid in your dreams? In that case, I think it’s a good technique.
Thanks for the help, mystic and jeff.
I thought i’d broken a rule or something cos this topic was seemingly being ignored… mind you normal forums I go to are usually majorly fast, so maybe I was being a little impatient. x_X Sorry about that.
Anyhow, thanks again for the advice!
Welcome to our cool forum.We’re all cool here. Anyway, onto the questions -
Dream recall is fairly important to start with, although not just because you won’t remember your LDs if you do have them (if you see what I mean). It also does help your capacity to have LDs indirectly.
Dreamless nights? As soon as you wake up, even if it seems like you can’t remember anything, just lie there and allow your thoughts to wonder (or should that be wander?), and you’ll probably end up thinking about something, and then you’ll realize you’re actually thinking about the dream you just woke up from. So write it down.
Just one more, I hope i’m not being presumptious here ^_^"
(BTW thanks WAnNaBe)
Is it natural to ‘lose your grip’ on a memory of a dream, as I call it? This morning I was woken up by someone playing rave music really loud (There’s a lot of ignorant people around here ¬_¬) and I KNOW I dreamed, but I lost memory of what it was about pretty much straight away due to the music. Is that natural or am I too easily distracted?
i’ll answer this question with an example from my dream journal. I had two dreams in mind and wrote down one of them. Doing so focused all my attention to one dream and off the other. Clearly stated after I wrote down the first dream is:
No that’s quite natural When you start to dream, your dream memories will be stored into a dream mind. The same thing happens with OBEs. A problem arises when one wakes up and starts to use back his normal physical mind. Physical memories are generally much stronger than dream/OBE memories, which is why the latter are called “shadow memories”. This is what normally happens: when you wake up, dream/OBE memories will be directly overwritten by physical memories so you can’t possibly remember anything from the night. The actual dream/OBE memories are then stored into inaccessible areas of the unconscious mind. However, if dream/OBE memories are strong enough, then they will compete with physical memories and sometimes they win. In that case you’ll have vivid dream/OBE memories. If you want to remember your dreams, you need to act very fast when you awaken, because before you know it these memories are lost forever into your deep unconscious mind. If you have a good intention of remembering your dreams/OBEs afterwards, you’ll have better access to these shadow memories in time. And ofcourse, heavy background noises don’t really help you to recall shadow memories…