hey everyone, i used to have lucid dreams when i was about 10 till 13 , actually, i remember having them quite often, but i didnt actually know the term lucid dreaming till i stumbled across this site from an unrelated site.
for some reason tho, i have lost the art of having lucid dreams, i remember i used to just bite my lip, then i would become aware of my dreams,
this one experience i was in some sort of dessert, with nothing around me, my grand mother appeared out of nowhere, then we started running, i remember this monster chasing me, and as i was runnin, it was becomin hard to run, like a cartoon, my legs moved in a running motion but no pace was being made. then all of a sudden, i thought this was a dream, then i opened my eyes, and woke up…
that was how it first started, similar events occured in my dreaming state and i learned to control my thoughts more,
when i was being chased by enemies i would slow down on purpose and when they got close, i would go, ‘hey, your dead’, and they would just die, i would appear in another situation.
now these days, i hardly remember any of my dreams, but i really want to become lucid again.
recently tho, for the past few months i have been gettin reoccuring dreams, where i am at my home, but the house is completely different with all these extra doors and extra rooms i dont know. anyways,these dreams are real vivid, but i never seem to become lucid, i think i am semi lucid, as i subconsciously whilst dreaming cherish every moment knowing i could wake up,
but when i do wake up, i am dissapointed i didnt become lucid,
anyways, this is just a rant by me, first post, sorry if its the wrong place,