Okay, I have taken upon a task to help a store where i live that deals with some of the things that have been taken up in this forum. I just want to know if you have some ideas what they should take in their sortiment.
If anyone can help, I want 5 interresting books about: Meditation, Astral travel, awareness, Lucid dreaming. if you would post an idea that involves other interresting books/things that have some connection to this, i would allso be pleased.
Thanks in advance.
Id recommend "Conversations with God"by Neale Walsch.Cant fit it under any specific category,id call it mind broading(note its not religious book of any kind).It was kinda special book to me-helped me put in words all the emotions and thoughts i had about almost every aspect of life and death.Its one of the best books i ever bought.
ps.there was a topic somwhere about books…grrrr…cant rem now but if you type “books” in search and tick "by topic"option im sure you`ll find heaps of recomenndations there.
good luck
Books eh?
Exploring the world of Lucid Dreaming - Stephen LaBerge
^The Bible of Lucid dreaming
A very inspirational book is: The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfeild (and all its sequels are equally as good) It was really good. Its about spiritual growth and discovering your true self.
The Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot
^ good book that presents a new theory of reality that explains unknown phenomena, such as Lucid Dreaming and Out of Body Experiences in its model.
Maybe you could run mediation classes or something?
Good luck and hope all goes well with the store.
This one is about drugs&hormones that the body produces himself.Since substances like serotonin and melatonin were mentioned here several times, perhaps this is also interesting for you.
He also talks a bit about the way our pharma-industry works.He says they aren´t interested in health, but only in money, and that people should try to rediscover ways to heal themselves (But this is only a short part of the book)
Dr. Josef Zehentbauer - body-own drugs (publishing house Artemis & Winkler)
The Holographic Universe, as ceavou beat me to it!
EWLD by Stephen LaBerge for sure, although I don’t like how the author goes on and tells you things instead of keeping them as an opinion expressed by him.
Ultimate Journey by Robert A. Monroe is a book …I can’t yet describe, and I would recommend reading THU before because this book takes everything one giant leap further. I haven’t finished it yet…
I’m looking at ‘Astral Dynamics: A New Approach to Out-of-Body Experiences’ by Robert Bruce. Haven’t read it yet because I have to buy it.