WILD is getting hard! last night i at attempted WILD and i got to partial paralysis. right then and there i quit. i looked at the clock and it took me a full hour! i did-int even get to see HI and while i was WILDing i did-int even move!!! Please help!!!
Hey, I’m new to lucid dreaming as well. From what I’ve read so far, WILD is considered a pretty tricky technique. I wouldn’t even have the self control to stay immobile (it requires you not to move anything, including eyes I think).
Have you tried some of the arguably ‘easier’ stuff such as WBTB/MILD yet? I, like you, am on my quest for my first lucid dream and I ain’t trying WILD until I’m fairly experienced.
thanks good luck for your firs lucid dream for mild whats the next step i remember 3 dreams a night
I said this in the other topic too. I realize you’re quite a young lad and I can see you’re really trying to push yourself to have a lucid dream. This is, in my view, a wrong attitude to have towards Lucid Dreaming. It shouldn’t be about having an LD really, although that is the end result. It’s more about becoming aware of awareness. In your waking life, for example, you will find that you often go through your days in a trance-like state, doing most if not all things automatically. You have to stop yourself, ask yourself if you’re dreaming, consider the possibility that you are, test your awareness and then make a decision as to your level of awakeness.
This way, you are breaking the cycle of habit, and moving your level of awareness upwards, because you are doing an intentional action of stopping, asking, considering and then testing. If you do this continually, you will find that lucid dreams will come to you, as opposed to you coming to lucid dreams.
Well I’m trying different variations, but for me it’s telling myself when I go to bed to wake up from my dream and remember it. I then wake up about 5 hours later, hopefully with a dream in my head. I then write it down in as much detail as possible.
Next, I get up (WBTB) and browse these forums for 30 minutes and visualise myself becoming lucid in my previous dream from recognizing a dream sign. Then I go back to bed, and repeat to myself that I’m going to remember to realize I’m dreaming (MILD). At this point I fail, however, because I can’t get back to sleep for several hours. I’m currently working on adjusting the time spent out of bed so I’m actually able to return to sleep…
Like you, though, I haven’t had success yet so I just have to keep at it!
This. Keep questioning how you got to where you are and look out for aspects of your environment that you can’t immediately explain.
Okay, so WILD is pretty tricky. I’ve only really succeeded at it once. WILD isn’t for everyone, you know? Anyway, I would try some MILD or some VILD to see if those work better for you.
Check out the WILD FAQ in the tutorials forum. Those can be pretty helpful.