Always that I attempt a WILD, I get to a state in which I feel my body vibrating (like when you shiver in the cold), can’t hear right external sounds and can’t move my body (I tried moving my arm once, and couldn’t). In short, it seems to be sleep paralysis.
Well, I can get to this state pretty often, in fact I’ve been there about 40 times over an year. But I can never get through this! I always wake up or fall asleep, unconsciously. I am also quite calm and sometimes I attempt to make the vibrations increase (by breathing deep). Any advice on what should I do to enter a LD/AP after that?
SP is hard to control and I fail with each attempt, so I have more tecniques to combine WILD with. The most common is WBTB (which can be annoying if you have to wake up on the morning).
So good luck and see if WBTB combined with WILD helps
I have to say I have the same problem, but have you tried visualizing? try to completely forget about your body. Imagine you’re in the dream, with as much detail as possible.
Usualy when I am at that stage I will just relax and not concentrate on anything and then I will start to dream. Kind of like just peering into your eye lids with no intentions of what might be there. It is hard not to wake up though.
You seem like you have it going quite well… All you need to do is manage to keep awake.
There´s lots of ways to do that but that´s a different discussion.
Going into a LD\AP or anything else involves projecting your consciousness away from the physical body.
There are also lots of ways to do that…
Im going explain soon in the pathways forum the teleportation method, as this WILD scene is very popular ^^
have a look
Hmm, try imagining the scenery of where you want to go in your dreams, thats what usually gets me past the SP stage, but even than I sometimes lose grip on the dream and drift back into normal sleep, good luck.