Help Getting the Girl part II

:sad: ack. Your turning depressing and suicidel…and worst of all…your losing your emotions…your becoming…VEREK!

Take Zoloft, i think that will make you happy COMPUTER BASED Human.

bah come on atheist you need a girlfriend whether you admit it or not- go find one! You’ll feel better if you find someone you love (I’m guessing here cause guess what I’m gonna be in Atheist’s position someday)


Atheist is a very dramatic writer, isn’t he?

(Thread has been morphed into preventing Atheist’s suicide)

(Hey Canadian I wasn’t following this thread since like… a long time glad to see you got over it

You sound like a depressed me, first off it’s just as foolish as the sheep of our society to deny basic human emotions and to consider yourself higher than them. I relize that you can’t be materialistic in life or let your ballz dictate descisions, but I certainly won’t deny that my body craves it. To deny our cravings is to deny the very thing that makes us human. Now granted, you might just not like people. Heck I’m the same way, although I relized it’s fear that partially holds me back subconsiously. I may perfer to be alone, but when I don’t want to ask soembody a nescesary question, it’s fear. As for sex, no reason to deny sexual intercourse. On the other hand you can’t let it be a Important matter in life. There has to be a balance to everything in life. IMO, I believe we are on earth to learn everything about life through experiencing everything. To gain wisdom and anwser the question:“What is the meaning of life?”. after that we eventually joing with the universe. I went from aetheist to that mainly becuase it makes sense and requires nothing. Our brain has a religious part to it and to deny spirituality completely is shallow like those who only see the people based on their appearance. It feels great with a agnostic religion and you don’t even have to do anything! Since I plan to learn wisdom, I basically just have to live through life wisely and learn. Given how humans are not perfect, I can make mistakes and do evil. As for desires like murder and violence…Thats what Video games and LD can sovle :grin:. All the harmless violence I could ever want! :wink: . Hell make up your own religion or just believe in the goodness in the hearts of men. Trust me it will help!

Also aetheist, do you masturbate? Becuase if you do, then it’s quite ironic that you deny the falling in love game becuase Maturbation invovles the same sexual desires that fuels love. It’s certainly much easier to masturbate to a pictuire of as girl with a background story I can relate to than some random picture of a girl.

Well back to the main subject, I was in a similar situation as moose although I’m not one to put anything on the line for a girl. I think would find it a hassle to get to the main goal :cool:. Well finally i found one girl who happened to LD and liked the same interests and unfortunely was just as Shy as I was if not more so. I figured this would be easier, but cracking a smile out of a shy person is hard as hell unless you tell a joke! Well I tried to get over my shyness by having a LD and practicing asking her out since I needed to make up for lack of dating exprience. Unfortunely all my LDs happened to be short and made me forget the initial goal! I didn’t make it by the time the school year ended, but I have my senior year and a descent car too! :cool: I gotta have a lucid dream where I overcome my shyness, becuase I sure as heck ain’t going to a physcotherapist after that quack tried to send me to the nut house :grrr: .

Well good luck

Yeah Athiest, don’t try to deny what you do with women in your LDs :tongue:

For god sakes don’t insult him HELP HIM!

Sleepy: LDing is all I need for that little need for “Spirituality”
Isn’t masturbation a “sin”?
Don’t screw your chance over you’ll regret it

What´s that talk about suicide? :eh:
I think the “maybe one day soon” clearly referred not to his life, but to the whole world, which makes some sense when you look at humans potential to destroy things.Correct me if I am wrong…

For some time I also believed in determinism.
Now I don´t, since I simply don´t believe in reality and science anymore.

To me it sounds very paradox:

Scientist find out how the brain works.But to find hat out, they got to use their brains! You see with your eyes in the mirror how your eyes look like.

After thinking about it, I reduced it to one question:
Either the brain creates the mind or the mind creates the brain.

If you think that the brain creates the mind you got the problems that you describe.
If you think that the mind creates the brain, you got the problem that probably all the people around you are just you imaginations.Then you are your own god in a way, since you create the world.It´s just like a dream (the way most people think dreams are).

Both points of view don´t really work when you try to live by them.However, getting imprisoned or dying seems also stupid.
So, I decided to go with the “I know absolutely nothing” theory.I still think about life and reality, but I always keep in mind that NOTHING is for sure.

Could be that being happy is all about hormones, could be that it is only an illusion created by your mind, could also be that it is something completely different.I like to think about those possibilites, and I decide which one seems to be the most probable.
Still, I don´t really live by.Feeling happy is nice, so I just try to be happy, no matter what what it is.

I hope my text makes some sense…


Perfect sense. I live my life by one simple credo- Do bad get bad, Do good get good. This is something I’ve learned from personal experience, other than that I really don’t know anything for sure. It is fun to ponder the universe though. :tongue:

On a on-topic side note:

I recall with about 90% certainty the place she said she worked. She talked badly about the place so she may have quit but I doubt that. Its not out of the way. Its a block off of the bike path I ride on everyday. Yes, I have seen some sun so I’m not as pastey although now I got serious tan lines. Todays 2 hour noon bike ride did the most work on the tan lines. On a scale of 1 to 9, 7 being the highest, what stalker rating would popping in to see her give me :grin:

Don’t worry I’m not too seriously considering it because I don’t know when she works, what she does, or in what part of the building to find her. She works in a YMCA.

I see to many fingers pointing at Athiest, leave his opinon alone, im sure he has a good reason for it.(didnt read your opinon…sorry) Pick on me :content:

Hence the ongoing conflict between what I inherently am, and what I’d rather be. I’m not sure how you arrived at the conclusion that I see myself above everyone else. Naturally all humans are one and the same - the only difference is that I’m not satisfied with what we are. I’ve always been pessimistic, but to be honest you have to be completely blind to overlook the problems with humanity and incline yourself to be happy with the way things are.

I’m certainly not intending to insult you Sleepy, but it seems that you dealt with the situation by simply removing it from your mind. You stopped thinking about “why”, and simply accepted the generic response “just because”. It’s been said before in a less meaningful context, but truly, the answers of life are only locked away because people don’t agree on what they are. What does it matter if we’re wrong, when people are united without war, and without religious conflict? I know I’d be marginally happier.

As part of a organism conditioned by evolution to do absolutely nothing but reproduce as fast as possible, how can I not deny what I am? Anyone who feels that have a devine purpose in life beyond pumping out a few kids has (in my opinion) done exactly what I’m doing. They’re denying what they are, and pretending they’re special. These days it’s insulting to tell them this, but I can’t see how it differs from people telling me I’m foolish to not accept what I am and get on with life.

I don’t want to be a mindless drone, led around by instincts to reproduce, only to one day experience a vital system failure and pass into history, buried with 3 tears and a couple of fond memories. Waiting for me I imagine is a small note, which reads: “You failed to complete your single mission objective - game over.” I’m then distributed around the immediate area, and everything returns to how it was prior to my arrival. The only thing missing is an additional note that reads “Press ENTER to try again”.

But as much as I dislike them, my built-in instincts are of course still present. I’ve found myself going out of my way to increase my chances of establishing a relationship with a member of the opposite sex. But looking around, I can’t help that all I see are rabbits. Everywhere I look, people carrying around kids. “Congratulations” I think as I walk past. “You successfully completed life with a high score.”

Part III