Help? How can I regain my ability to write in my dj?

So lately I’ve been slacking off and thus haven’t been getting many LD’s. I haven’t been writing like on lD4all and stuff so when I woke up this morning, it took me 10 minutes after to realize I had to write down my dream, but it was already gone by then. Before I slacked off, it was instant, I was already writing down my dream. Help?

I can tell you how I do it: My scrap book (where I note down my dreams) lies directly next to my alarm clock, so when I switch it off in the morning, I am instantly remembered of writing my night down! Maybe that works for you too? :content:

Just recently I learned to remember my dreams better and I instantly thought about writing my dream down because I told myself before I fell asleep that I was going to record my next dream.

Well, in my opinion if lucid dreaming is important enough you will write in DJ if helps you in achieving lucidity, if those 2 are not important to you then it’s not a surprise that you are not motivated to write your dreams…

It is important. Maybe I should cite some mantra’s before bed for extra motivation, because I kind of just fall asleep and I’m so tired so when I snooze, I forget to like… write down my dream. I write my dreams on my laptop since it’s right under my bed, so maybe I can put my laptop on top of my phone(alarm) on my night table, lol.

From my own experience, simply practice. Do whatever you can to remember, from concentrating or creating mantras solely for the purpose. I had the same problem as you, but persistence has allowed me to remember my dreams far more easily.

Even if I can’t remember many things, I write down things I can remember. Sometimes it’s a whole page, sometimes just a short paragraph. When I wake up, I calmly think about my dream. It really helps me to remember my dreams.

Hello everybody,

I have some issued writing in my journal during the night.
I can remember my dreams very well but i have to stay still and my eyes closed.

And that is my problem because i want to remember better and better.
So after few minutes i just fall back to sleep and i can’t even remember the dream in the morning!

Do you have any tips wich would help me?

Before you go to sleep, say to yourself: ‘‘When I wake up, I will remember my dream’’
It may sound weird, but it helps me to remember my dreams a little bit more. Keep up writing your dreams, even though you can’t remember a lot. Don’t give up :smile:

As soon as the main plot and important parts of the dream are clear to you, choose a few key words and keep only those in mind. Write these words down, then you can start to write down the dream in full detail. This is a lot easier than trying to memorize the whole dream and the key words will trigger the memory of the rest of the dream to come back.

With time your DR will get better and better, some day you will be able to recall dreams without a lot of effort. :smile:

EDIT: Also, what Judith said. Mantra/autosuggestion is a very powerful tool.

Thank you,

I have quite a good recall thought but i just wanted to have the full story first.
I will try the keyword stuff, looks good for me

This isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I find it easiest to keep an audio dream journal. I keep a digital recorder next to my bed (I expect most fancy phones these days have ways of recording voice too) and as soon as I wake up, I grab the recorder, switch it on, roll back into the position I was sleeping in, eyes closed (for some reason this helps a lot with my recall), and just start speaking as many details as come to mind. I love it because I don’t have to get up to turn on the lights (so it’s fairly painless), and since I can speak a lot faster than I can write, I can get down more details before I forget them.

But I’ve noticed that later on I don’t usually need to listen to the recordings again to recall the dream. It’s like by speaking the details of the dream aloud, I commit it to memory. So even if you don’t have a voice recorder, it might be worth trying to just tell yourself the dream aloud as though you were telling a friend about it as soon as you wake up; see if it helps your memory later when you go to write it down.

Yeah I cant really speak when I wake, my sister is in my room. She’ll be all “What the?” And my main problem is in the morning when I wake, I just snooze and say I’ll write in 5 minutes, but I really do want to write. I end up writing it, but not with the main plot of the dream that I remembered just a short 5 minutes before! :sad:

Dream Recall is definitely one of the most important first steps for Lucid Dreaming. And while I haven’t (not even attempted yet) to have a Lucid Dream. I have been working greatly on my dream recall. There are several things I can suggest to drastically improve your recall which worked for me. I went from remembered no dreams a night to remembering 2 or 3 dreams a night with a few methods.

Now, I have to warn you, these are not simple methods, they require time to work and a motivation to succeed. Also, a good imagination would help you a lot here.

We’ve all heard of MILD to induce Lucid Dreams, but we can also use this Mnemonic Induction for Dream Recall (MIDR?). Make up your own phrase or use someone elses. As long as the meaning is very clear to you and there is no way for your subcoscious to get a mixed message from your phrase its okay to use. I use these
“When I wake, I will recall my dreams”
or sometimes
“When I wake, I will recall my dreams vividly”

I have a bedside partner so I say these in my head. I go over the exact meaning of the phrase, careful not to be just mindlessly saying the phrase in my head. Along with the phrase, I also visualize myself getting up to write in my dream journal, then actually writing in my dream journal. I do this until I fall asleep.
Doing this, in the very first night, I remembered a dream and wrote it down. It’s been 14 nights since then, and I have only had 2 nights with no dream recall.

Another method is one I acquired from a book called “Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light” by Norbu Rinpoche. This is a Tibetan Buddhist meditation practice and it does involve a great deal of visualization. This is good for someone who already practices meditation regularly and is comfortable with calming the mind and visualizing. Norbu Rinpoche says to visualize the Tibetan letter for “A” (or if you do not know what that looks like, visualize a white English letter “A”, or whatever letter invokes the sound of “Ahhh” like when you have a sigh of relief). Visualizing this letter now, make it glow as bright as you can, making sure it remains white. Now move the letter down to your throat. Keep it there, and do this with a sort of mental vigilance. Norbu Rinpoche says that you should awaken with this visualization still in effect. I have not been able to achieve this, but this definitely not only increased my dream recall but also noticeably increased the vividness of my dream. I have done this only for 3 nights, and one night I failed to have any dream recall at all. This was probably more due to me being distracted than the method itself.

Another effective way that I cannot help but do every single night is to wake up a few times in the night. I have no choice in this matter because I have an 8 month old son who sleeps in a crib next to my bed. He does wake up often, and I have become so used to it that I in fact, wake up about half an hour before he cries for food. So, in this half hour, I lay in bed and I think calmly about my dream. If I cannot remember, I try to remember my dream, usually in about 10 minutes it will come to me and I will immediately write down a brief note about the dream. I find writing it down helps to make the memory more concrete and thus when I awaken, I still remember most if not all of the dream and am able to elaborate on what I wrote in the night.

I hope this helped :smile: