Help - I'm scared of SP??

Hi DreamerScar

You have nothing to worry about. It doesn’t hurt at all. It just feels like you can’t move even if you tried. After a while you might experience vibrations but that’s normal it mostly happens when you are entering a lucid dream. SP is not within a dream, it’s in reality. I know it might sound scary when you’ve probably read that one might hear whispering or voices or feel like there’s someone else inside the room with you, but nothing of this is real. Just remember that we go through SP every single night, but we don’t realize it because we are asleep. So it’s perfectly normal. Since this is something we go through absolutely every single night, than you don’t have to worry that it will have physical repercussions, because if that was the case than we would all be messed up since a long time ago :razz:

The scary stuff during SP is just the result of your fears being manifested. A lot of times when people are in SP they get agitated and distressed by the feeling that they can’t move, therefore fear starts to grow and when you combine these factors with the fact that you are in the middle of hallucinations… then you could expect to see some very weird/scary stuff. So, just relax and start visualizing a dream scenery or just a place in which you would like to appear in the dream and in a matter of seconds you’ll appear in a LD

Thank you both:) That really helped, I am going to bed now, hopefully I’ll have an LD :happy:

Thank you for the comments, I’ll reply tomorrow if I actually got to SP:)

Seriously though, for me, SP has been a very pleasant experience! It happens to you anyway, and I like the feeling of going numb and then feeling like there’s a heavy blanket laying on me! I used to have troubles falling asleep, but now, with the help of SP, I’ve fallen asleep a lot easier!

I agree with Faith, after a while ,you will like SP :lol:

And even make fun of it.

Because, SP is a fun experience!

I’ve experienced SP several times. Each time I was unable to breathe and felt someone’s presence. Usually I felt that someone was entering my apartment trying to do harm to me. I was freaking out until I learned what this phenomenon is. And last time when it occurred, I realized that it is a part of WILD so it can lead me to a lucid dream. And it did :smile:
So I think that positive attitude is crucial on this matter.

[color=red]!!![/color] [I know it’s a long post, but if you want to be sure you’re safe and if you want to know more about this phenomenon read the whole thing. I would have been very thankful myself if someone would have written this to me while I was like you. :smile:]

I was exactly like you. I also wanted to WILD but was afraid of SP. Even now it sometimes freaks me out, but hey! at least I’ll have an LD after that !

I’ll give you straight and simple answers first. I explain some longer in the spoilers :smile:.

SP = Sleep paralysis. You’re paralyzed. I have a special phrase for describing how I feel when I’m in SP:
“I’m traveling with the speed of light in the depths of my brain.” (Invented that one after I had my first SP experience :content: ).

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So, in other words, I describe SP as a “pulling sensation” or “traveling feeling”. It feels like traveling through nothing while you lose control over your body: you can’t move it and you feel extremely tired. (At the bottom I also wrote some methods I use to get rid of SP so you can feel OK with that :tongue: ).

It’s paralyze, how can it hurt since you don’t feel yourself anymore ?

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I know that one sounded a bit scary. You firstly feel extremely tired and you can’t feel yourself anymore. Eventually your body will start to feel like it’s moving by itself very slowly. However, SP, as scary as it sounds, it is the door to LD. Once you’re in it don’t go back (you easily can do that as I wrote at the bottom), cause you’ll lose your way to the “paradise” of lucid dreaming.

As I said above, I sometimes freak out myself, but that’s nothing to be scared of :tongue:.

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You’ll need to experience SP for a few seconds the first time before you’ll find enough courage to go further. First time you’ll experience it you’ll freak out, but then once you’re awake at daylight you’ll think "Why did I got rid of that ?? I could have had a LD !! :cry: ". Well, SP only happens sometimes - and, to scare a bit more (just joking), it usually happens when you don’t want it to happen. That’s why I don’t get any SP anymore :sad:. You’ll come to this stop too, you’ll see :tongue:.

SP occurs in RL each night. It’s only the fact that you’re not aware of it, as your mind falls asleep before SP comes in.

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So by doing a WILD you “stress” your mind to remain awake and to leave your body to fall asleep first - that means, it enters SP. But SP is in every dream too, to prevent you from moving IRL if you do in a dream. But if you want to do a WILD you’ll experience SP before entering the dream - and that is as normal as possible (or else that wouldn’t be WILD).

No - and most definitely “NO” !

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SP occurs every night. SP is actually nothing more than the body falling asleep. Why don’t you feel it every night ? Cause you get lost in your thoughts and so your mind falls asleep first. So, since it occurs each time you sleep, how can it be dangerous ?!? It’s like saying “Digesting is dangerous !”. :tongue:

Now, I’ll give you a few highly efficient SP-exit methods. Being easy to remember, you’ll be able to use them to get out of SP in case you freak out too badly. :wink:

1. Deep breathing.

This is the most efficient way to get rid of SP. If you’re in SP and you freak out, the first thing you’ll do is try to move. Seeing that you can’t you’ll freak out even more and you’ll desperately try to move. That will of course get you out of SP, but if you would stay still for only one second and you’d take like 5 or 6 -as deep as you can- breaths you’ll be out of SP in no time.

2. Opening eyes.

While in SP, you’re face is the only one which is not paralyzed. You can open your eyes. If you do that you’ll see your room and the RL. If you look at objects around your room for maximum 5 - 6 seconds SP will slowly go away. The huge problem here is that you feel extremely tired when you’re in SP. That will make your eyes feel so tired that you’ll be too tired to open them. It’s good if you leave them closed cause you’ll have a LD, but if you don’t want one, gather all your strength and open your eyes as wide as possible.

3. Screaming

Sounds pretty embarrassing, but it is very efficient :tongue:. Again, you’ll feel to tired to do that, but if you don’t want a LD, then gather all your strength and try to scream as loud as possibly. You won’t be able to scream too loud cause SP won’t let you. But it will just disappear.

4. Muscle tensing and breath holding.

This is the hardest as it requires a lot of strength and will. Try to tense your muscles as much as possible and as many muscles as possible while holding your breath. This will slow down the “traveling” speed and you’ll wake up. The major problem is the tiredness: you’ll feel like after you worked a whole day and night and you’ll feel too tired to do that.

But why not combine them all ? For getting rid of SP: Once you feel the pulling sensation and you freak out, just: take a huge deep breath, open your eyes as wide as possible, try to make a sound come out from your lips and tense all your muscles as much as possible. This may sound easy - do it now to see it is - but when in SP everything is like after two days without any sleep.

Now you need to understand that SP is not a gentle thing like a breeze - no, it’s a thunder and a lightning. You’ll know when it happens because it happens suddenly and you’ll feel like traveling through time and space :tongue:.

TIP: If you want to have an LD using SP try not to concentrate on your surroundings (cause perhaps you’ll freak out more). Instead, try to focus on the “traveling feeling” or “pulling sensation” (or however you want to call it) and most of all focus on your destination. Where do you want to “land” in your LD ?

I strongly wish you good luck and I hope you’ll find out that SP isn’t so bad after you get used to it and you’ll eventually have an LD using it ! :smile:

I think anyone who has really experienced SP is frightened by it. Anyone who says they like it has probably just entered the first stage of WILD, which is not the same thing at all.

Thank you for that really long post, I read it all and really apprectiate the answers.

So last night, I felt really tired when I got into bed, but I kept counting in my mind. I began to day dream about the day, and one of the people in my day dream started ‘counting’ the same numbers I was, I began to stop and then I was just imagining them saying ‘51, 52…’ etc. I suddenly realised I was going to fall asleep, so I ‘snapped’ out of it and continued to count in my head.
I began to feel my heart beat a lot more than normal, then there was this strange indescribable feeling. What I could see in my mind, (at that moment it was just darkness), got a lot bigger, like it was extended(?), it felt as if I could go through it in some sort of way, and as this happened, there was a distant ‘ringing’ sound in my ear, like the sound of my mind ‘extending’. I kind of guessed I was soon going to enter SP, so I moved because I got scared of what was going to happen:/

Then I just went to sleep normally…

Was what I felt, the coming of SP? Or is it just my imagination?

I’m nearly there;)

Thank you for that really long post, I read it all and really apprectiate the answers.

So last night, I felt really tired when I got into bed, but I kept counting in my mind. I began to day dream about the day, and one of the people in my day dream started ‘counting’ the same numbers I was, I began to stop and then I was just imagining them saying ‘51, 52…’ etc. I suddenly realised I was going to fall asleep, so I ‘snapped’ out of it and continued to count in my head.
I began to feel my heart beat a lot more than normal, then there was this strange indescribable feeling. What I could see in my mind, (at that moment it was just darkness), got a lot bigger, like it extended around me although my eyes were shut(?), it felt as if I could go through it in some sort of way, and as this happened, there was a distant ‘ringing’ sound in my ear, like the sound of my mind ‘extending around me’. Then it felt like it was moving VERY quicky…I kind of guessed I was soon going to enter SP, so I moved because I got scared of what was going to happen:/

Then I just went to sleep normally…

Was what I felt, the coming of SP? Or is it just my imagination?

I’m nearly there though;)

Just an FYI, I know the difference between the first stage of WILD and SP. Only once (for about 2 seconds) was it kinda scary, but I knew what to do and from then on, it HAS been a pleasant experience. It’s all about being educated on what to do WHEN it happens; and also, knowing several things you can do (since you tend to forget things when you panic).

Also, another easy way out (for me at least) is to focus and concentrate completely on your pinky finger.

Its like when you were young and you were afraid of a doctors needle, It isn’t that painful. although am still scared of needles. :eh: That’s beside the point. Anyway Its scary but it wont hurt you.

If you ever REALLY experienced sleep paralysis, you’d NEVER want to experience it again.

But you’re welcome to believe whatever you want to about it.

Hey man, not everyone’s afraid of it. Why be afraid of something you know isn’t real? It differs from person to person. Experiences and how they are handled can be different.
From what I understand, experiencing SP = Paralyzed and hallucinations of all kinds.
Not everyone gets scared by horror movies.

I’ve never been scared by SP. I’ve barely even noticed it before! Don’s got a LOT of good points, but I don’t think it necessarily has to be scary, even if you experience it for the first time. I didn’t even know I’d felt SP before when waking up from naps and such until a few months back when I did a DEILD.

When I finally realized what SP was for me a few months ago, I thought it was really cool. During the DEILD, I really had no HH at all; I rarely have HH. The only times I really remember having them was when I’d wake up after 45 minutes or so of first going to bed. They were not present really at all during that DEILD. While I was doing the DEILD, I just felt this light buzzing all over my body; quite a cool feeling, and I recognized it from waking up from naps and such before. I let the SP run its course, and when the buzzing stopped, I got up and finally could see that I was in a dream. Up until then, I couldn’t really see. Woulda been a nice dream if I hadn’t done an RC which worked, but I wasn’t convinced. So I tried going through a screen and it didn’t work (duh, not that I would try that IRL and I was kinda floating over to the window) and pretty much lost lucidity there.

But anyway, I like SP if I do manage to experience it. arne, I have to say that SP is not scary for everyone. I think the only times I may have been scared by it was in a bunch of FAs that I remember having, especially during naps, where I thought I woke up but could barely move and there was some sort of problem going on, like my radio was going way too loud in one dream. But really, I don’t count that as the SP being scary, even if it’s invading the FA. I count it as the FA being scary.

Hope this helps!

Again, I’d like to point out that it isn’t a bad experience for everyone! Who are you to say that it is? Obviously you have only had bad experiences with SP…

So why don’t any of you who are disputing what I’m saying do the task that I posted over in the other forum?

It’ll be easy for anyone who actually has lucid dreams.

And what does that have to do with this topic? I don’t see the correlation. Sure, it’ll be easy. I might try it. But I don’t see how it has anything to do with this.

Okay … Its horrifying but you can get over it. I did!

That’s your way of looking at it. I want to experience SP as I know I’ll have an LD. I want to do a WILD. I have experienced SP some times before - yes it is very scary, but I still want to go further ! Each time when I’m in SP (which happens pretty rare at the moment) I try to go deeper as I did before. Then I’ll freak out and go back. Fear is the biggest obstacle. Why not try jump over it ? (just try - more than one time).

Could have been both - and both are a different door to LD’ing in my opinion. As, if you imagine things a lot and think about LD’ing a lot, you’ll dream about what you thought since dreams are mixed up memories (everything you know are memories).

Each “thing” which is out of the ordinary for you, and even each night, will be a step further to what you really want… or don’t ? :neutral:

A very good metaphor (or example) for SP :smile: !

Hmm… :meh: Good for them.

Look at all the effort that some people are putting into extolling sleep paralysis, instead of talking about lucid dreaming.

Just do the task and prove that you really have lucid dreams. Then I might believe that you’ve really experienced sleep paralysis.

But I know that none of you who claim you “like” sleep paralysis can do the task.