help me out

Ya like a place if your in a dream you can go there to meet other fellow dreamers. If you want the link to that site I can give it to you. Funny actualy the Lucid crossroads were the first place other then some other forums that brought me here.

haha… you sound a lot like me in your approach and level of intention (and somewhat delayed success?)… a lot of the time I think that I am trying too hard… generally I go on and off on spurts of several months obsessing about LD’ing, then a few weeks break forgetting about it.
Perhaps it’s one of the reasons LD’ing is a good hobby for me… it tooks me years when I was younger to even learn to be comfortable falling asleep because I couldn’t will myself to sleep or find any way to make it happen by will. Perhaps, some of these things, we can encourage but not force?


Some people believe in shared dreaming, others don’t. I’m neutral to the idea for now…

i was gonna post a new topic for this but…why?

im gonna try something. i learned a while ago that ppl learn new things one of three ways: visually, auditorially, and kineticly(physically). for visual learners, pedro’s VILD works just fine, for kinetic learners, doing reality checks during the day by touching something is just great, but for auditorial learners like me…things get iffy. i tried VILD last night and it actually had a reverse effect on me decreasing my usual dream recall of 3-4 to a measly 1(i woke pissed off and depressed this morning) and i hardly remember that one! MILD was okay but only increased my dream recall (i think that fact that you need to visaulize a dream is what keeps messing me up), so this is what i am going to do. i created a mantra to whisper to myself during meditation and while i drift of to sleep. hopefully it will have a greater effect on my subconscious than the other methods i’ve tried.

this is the mantra just in case anyones interested:

"lucid will i sleep
focused as i wake
heed the words i speak
my dreams are mine to make

lucid will i sleep
focused as i wake
heed the words i speak
my dreams are mine to take"

i says this as if i am talking to my mind and focus on nothing else. i hope it works. gonna stick with for about a week starting today…wish me luck.


if it works…gonna call it AILD (Auditorial Induction of Lucid Dreams)…lol…maybe…maybe not

thats true, i think i had my 1st lucid dream last night and i didn’t do anything about it just thought ‘i’d like to become lucid tonight’ before falling asleep. i tried to think about ludicity all the time before falling asleep earlier, but it didnt work. i also practice ‘am i dreaming now?’ thing during the day

hey, i got some really stupid questions (i promise these will stop when i get lucid…so bear with me :tongue: )

if you eat in you lucid dream…is it possible to get full

if you do a form of exercies in a dream…will your muscles ache and get tired (getting tired in a dream…i kno…i is dumb).

has anyone ever tried to create an avatar in their dream? like someone that represent their subconscious that can help you if you feel like you cant do something?..just wondering.

You might feel the sensation of being full, simply because you expect to. But generally you can eat all you want in an LD.

Like I said, it might happen because you expect it to happen. It’s possible that you get physically tired in an LD, but it’s just an illusion and does not have to be like that.

If you’re wondering if this and that can/will happen in an LD the answer is usually: It might happen, or it might not. There are no rules in LDs (except for a few regarding mind-body relationships if you want to be picky about it)

This is thé ultimate diet. I think LaBerge mentions such a case in EWLD. It’s about a woman who used LDs to lose weight. Whenever she was hungry during the day and desperate for food, she said to herself “wait just a few more hours, and you’re able to eat as much as you like while you’re in a dream”. And apparently it helped a lot to overcome her excessive need for food.