help Me please!

I need to lucid Dream this sounds like the greatest thing in existance Im not kidding when i heared about this First i was like pffft sure then I started meeting ppl that acctually did it and they say its The greatest thing ever I REALLY need help so can some one PLEASE help me learn how to become lucid i tried last night but it didnt work :sad: so PLEASE if anyone sees this Post me back with tips

hey, chill out go to the website here and read up on different techniques WILD MILD and so on. Plus dont expect results right away! not very many people get an LD on their first attempt for some people it can take days some months just keep reading up on Lding have fun :smile:

Well if your first starting out the most important thing is not to want it to much, you will get burnt out if your motivation is all in one big night and does not span the whole month. Spread out your motivation keep it going for a long while.

First things that anyone should have before starting an indusion method such as WILD or MILD is have a DJ started and be able to remember atleast 1 dream per night. Of course it is not required to have 1 DPN (dream per night) but Laberge recommends it.

Lucid Dreaming is really easy to learn, and do. But keeping motivation and keeping up with RC’s is probably the hardest thing (For me atleast it is…) Some people have their first LD in a few days, some do in a few weeks. I had mine about one week after learning about it. So be patient and vigilant.

Good luck

But do not be demotivated if it doesn’t come within weeks. You may be one of the lucky people who can Lucid Dream with ease. You may be like me someone who has been trying for a long time. But some of the experiences i am having on the way are great. Just read round the forum for more help, this community will do all it can to help. Stick around and have fun. And never think that lucid dreaming is hard…only then does it become hard.

Yeup :smile:.

So yeah, pick a technique (most people find a combination of MILD and WBTB work well when they start),

Pick a couple of RC’s to take throughout the day (take them whenever you remember too, and whenever you feel you may be dreaming. Also, try taking them everytime you wake up - if you have a FA, you’ll become lucid).

Keep a DJ (this is, for most people, the most tedious part. But it helps a lot. And I mean a lot.),

Read up on LD’ing (this site and forum is perfect for this),

Don’t give up :smile:. And happy dreaming :cool:.

Yup. Well said Sureal. And have fun while doing it.

don’t give up! i know i’ve been saying this a lot lately, but it’s taken me almost 2 years to get to a stage where i realise that i’m doing RC’s in a dream, but can’t twig that i’m actually dreaming.

Yeah, everyone here is right. LDing rocks. However, it’s not an instantanious thing. Two months passed before I had my first intentionally (I had had a few naturals beforehand); some people have one within a day or two of learning about them, but with others it just takes time. Keep a dream journal, practice MILD and WBTB, and if you’re feeling up to it give WILD a try. Don’t ever hesitate to come here and ask questions; we’re all happy to help you out.

Good luck, and happy lucid dreaming!

Yup this is a happy lucid community…(that sounds dirty). :happy:

first of all, you should read all the steps on the main site. It’s very easy instructions and it’s easy to understand.