last night i had a lucid dream, i said in my dream that im dreaming, and i wished for some one to be in my dream but they didnt appear can u tell me what happend? oh by the way, when i woke up i went back to sleep and i dream about the person i wanted to see
Well, there may be a few reasons why they didn’t appear. You might not have actually believed they would appear, or did not really want to see them. It could have been a low level lucid dream where you didn’t have much control.
The key to doing anything in a lucid dream is ‘expecting’ it to happen. It’s hard to make yourself expect something, so you can employ some tricks to help out. Simply walking around a corner while thinking about your friend in the next room might work, but there are other things you can try. Once I actually rang my own doorbell, then convinced myself that a friend had arrived.
Absolutely everything that happens in a LD is based on your expectations. Nothing has ever stopped you from walking around in RL, so you don’t even think for a moment that you might have any trouble doing it in a dream. Sure enough, you find it easy to walk around. Creating things out of thin air, however, is not something that you can do in RL - so your brain doesn’t expect that you can.
It gets easier over time (you begin to expect that just because you’re dreaming you can create anything you want) but in the mean time, just be creative.