Every day I tell myself that I wil do lots of RT’S during the day. However, as the day starts, I really get into things like school that I forget all about doing RT’S. I miss the times when I did an RT literally every five minutes. What can I do during the day that will help me remember to do RT’S???
I moved this into the quest for lucidity forum, since that is the forum for basic questions about for example reality checks
I have exactly the same problem, during the day i just never think about reality checks or anything. Not because I can’t be bothered, just because i don’t remember to.
I know! It’s annoying isn’t it??? It’s not that I completely forget, it’s just that I get caught up doing other things that I don’t take the time to do a RT. Somebody please give us some tips!
lol yeah i know what you mean about getting caught up doing other things. This is an idea i had but havn’t actually done, you could draw or write something on your hands that will remind you to da a RC (such as LD for lucid dream, or a picture of an eye). Then whenever you see it do a RC. I don’t do this myself because i’d rather not draw things on my hand every day so people think i’m a right weirdo, but if your happy to do that then it’d probably work well.
Well you could do a RT every time you do something that isnt that casual, that way youll remember. For example every time you scratch your nose, or search your pockets, something that you do pretty often.
The easiest way to remember to do your RCs is to set your watch to beep every hour.
I have a cheap Casio LCD watch (about £5 or $10) and I can switch the feature on or off in the setup mode. It gives a quiet beep-beep each hour and guarantees my RCs.
Doing RC/RT without thinking that you could be dreaming is senseless, be aware of your RTs after you remember to do them.
Before you do a RT, think how could be your environment if you were dreaming, look around, and then do a RT.
Our minds are made from levels, if you get too used to RT, your highest conscious mind (that’s you aware of yourself) does not even think about the RT itself, and probably you are doing to say you’ve lost another RT…
I’ve read about this reminder somewhere and it was said that you should only do a little dot on your hand or arm. You mustn’t write something like ‘dreaming?’ or ‘lucid’ on your hands because this will make your RC too dependend on this sign. If it is a small dot than it’s a bit more like: “Oh well, haven’t I forgotten about doing a something?” You really have to remember what this dot means so you think about doing a RC. Maybe several drawings for some other stuff you have to remember might help to really get you through and through with your RCs. Alterating the symbol for RCs every morning would bring best results, what do you guys think?
I have the same problem, so I think I gonna try this, when someone confirms about that idea.
I don’t think the symbol is what is important–find something that works best for you.
The key is to truly take note of your surrounds. Don’t just do a RC and move on. Truly question your status. Ask yourself “Am I dreaming?” and feel it to your very core.